Rally To Support Family Planning - And Response (3)

  • Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Hamilton County Commission's recent decision to decline hundreds of thousands of dollars for family planning was part of the right wing's coordinated attack on women, workers, immigrants, LGBT folks, poor folks, and our environmental protections. The Commission's decision is not redeemed by public back-pedaling and individuals member's pledges to reverse their votes based on being misinformed as to whether or not family planning services include abortion services. Abortion or not, family planning services and the general services of the Health Dept. are vitally important, particularly to women who would not otherwise have access to reproductive health care.

If the nay votes were simply based on misinformation, it might suffice to say the decision was irresponsible. However, this decision affects real peoples' lives and health. The male privilege, economic privilege and religious imperialism underlying the nay votes make this decision a disgusting injustice that will not be allowed to stand.

People who are interested in taking a stand to show support for family planning should attend the Rally to support Family Planning at the Hamilton County Courthouse this Wednesday at 8:45 a.m. It's time for good decent folk to stand together. That's why I'm going to be there.

Jared Story

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Wow. Mr. Story, you have a right to your opinion. You also have a right to be wrong, which you are in this case. You have characterized the “right wing” –which you later describe as the men and the religious imperialists, and infer that the rich belong in that group as well—and which you contrast to the ‘good decent folk’—as being those who wish to attack basically every minority group I can think of. Although I would like to go into great detail about the medical facts, the politics, etc, time doesn’t allow that. But, I do think that your comments about this “right wing” need to be addressed, so I’ll basically answer your argument from a Christian point of view… the other groups that you rail against are inconsequential.

Here are a few facts you might want to consider:

* Those “religious imperialists” are the foremost advocates for women’s equality in the modern world. No Holy Book other than the Bible, and no group other than Christians, have done more to release women from slavery, inferiority, prostitution and lack of education in the history of the planet.
* You say Christians attack workers. However, in reality, Christians believe that the workman is worthy of his hire, and the Bible issues a loud caution against all those who would deprive a workman of his wages.
* You say Christians attack immigrants, but the Bible is written by the God of the stranger and the sojourner. The Bible says that God Almighty takes it personally when any people harass the strangers within their borders. In this point, I do believe that Republicans, if you would like to mention the R-word, have a long way to go to line up with their ideals.
* You say Christians attack LGBT folks. On the contrary, Christians love LGBT folks even though the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. We just want LGBT folks to be free from bondage to sin, just like we all should be free from other sins, such as lying, cheating, stealing, and bitterness.
* Poor folks. Jesus said to take care of the poor. The majority of the aid to the poor across the known world is distributed by Christians. Catholic Charities, WorldVision, Samaritan’s Purse, and Operation Compassion are only four examples of the thousands of Christian charities across the globe that minister to the poor. Mother Teresa did not minister to the poorest of the poor in Calcutta because she thought it would win her a Nobel Prize. She did it because God called her to do it. The Bible commands it, and Christians carry it out…. And by the way, it takes money to do, so don’t bash those rich people. They are the biggest, most generous givers.
* Environmental protections. God created the world and everything in it, including you, Mr. Story. Because the world is His creation, He commands us to take care of it. He actually gave us the planet to steward. I do believe that Christians have a ways to go in this area—sometimes we don’t do enough for the environment--but it is still our responsibility to take care of our resources.

I can’t possibly address all of your arguments here. But, I will say that I support the Commission’s decision to say no, and I hope they will keep it that way if the “morning-after pill” is to be distributed. Like it or not, it does cause abortion. My tax dollars should not go to kill the unborn.

And, by the way, if you as a man are so upset that the Commission might not approve this grant to give women more birth control, I would caution you that your comments reek of what you call “male privilege” yourself. Think about it… you’re an adult. And, by the way, abstinence works every time.

Jamie Rohrbaugh

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I happened to read the story about the County Commission voting to cut funding to the "Family Planning" Services here in Hamilton Co.

Cut it all out, period. Abortion is murder, and the public's tax dollars cannot go to a "service" that performs them. Also, something caught my eye. What does the LGBT community in this county have to do with a Family Planning Organization. As far as I know L's G's cannot have children. B's can if they want to have traditional relations ( Oh No) and T's really would have a strange appearance with child.

Kudo's to the Commision, do the will of the people. The idiots in Washington could learn a thing or two from little old Hamilton County, Tn. I know the so-called protest has already happened as I write this, but I really doubt there was much to it anyway.

Mitch Thurmer, A Christian Imperialist and proud of it

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I want to start out by saying I feel like the discussion of abortion and the morning after pill are putting a dark cloud over the entire family planning issue. I have no interest in debating abortion or Plan B, we are all entitled to our opinion. The older I get the more I realize bickering back in forth will do nothing but get people all worked up, and in the end they will usually have the same opinion as when they started.

I would like to discuss many of the other services available through family planning. It is very important for women to have a yearly exam and cervical cancer screening -birth control is available to those who choose it through family planning. I will never understand why anyone would want to take these services away from women who have no other means in which to receive this care except through family planning. Most women who go through this service are trying to be responsible and prevent an unplanned pregnancy-a child they are not ready for and they know they can't afford. I understand abstinence is the only sure way not to have an unexpected pregnancy, however not all people choose a life of abstinence. Family planning gives them a choice, a way to live the life they have chosen at a much lower risk of unexpected pregnancy.

But its not just about birth control, it's also about a yearly pap smear and early cervical screening- how can anyone say our tax money shouldn't be used to let women know and get treatment if early signs of cancer are detected. I only ask people to look at all the services offered by family planning-not just the ones that grab media attention.

Holly Daniel

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