ObamaPhones And Birth Control Pills

  • Friday, September 28, 2012

Yesterday, viewers across the country were shocked at an on-the-street interview of an in-your-face Obama supporter bragging about her free "Obama phone." Apparently, many Democrat voters believe that the "Obama Cell Phone" is courtesy of the Obama administration.  Fact is, Obama had nothing to do with it.  The Lifeline landline program was established in 1984 under Ronald Reagan to help low income Americans with landline emergency phone service and those seeking work to have phone service.  It is funded by government-collected telecommunication fees that are tacked on to the landline and cell phones of every consumer.   

The program was expanded to include cell phones under the Bush administration in response to the rapid conversion of landline to cell phones. At that time, the program cost $772 million.  By 2011, the program increased to $1.6 billion and is providing free phones and service to over 269,000 wireless Lifeline subscribers.  So, in reality, it is not an Obama phone.  They are GOP Ronald Reagan and George Bush phones created with good intentions--and obviously now being abused.

Now, the kicker. The woman who was interviewed on the street touting her free "Obamaphone" was among others being paid $11 an hour by the Services Employees International Union to protest at the Romney campaign stops around the country.  For reminders, SEIU is one of the unions that trucked in people to demonstrate and destroy the Wisconsin state capitol and also participated in the destructive Occupy Wall Street protests. More recent videos of protesters show the SEIU/Obama handlers grabbing and redirecting demonstrators away from the camera--but not before several admitted they had all been recruited in minority neighborhoods and were being paid to protest.  It was quite clear that they were simply regurgitating the party line given to them in advance by their handlers.  It made me sad that the Democrats and unions could use people in this way, especially with a 14.4+ percent unemployment rate among minorities created since Obama took office.  

But it gets better...   

There is now an Obama campaign website e-card that is designed to be sent to parents by teens and others with a distorted sense of humor reading:  "Dear Mom, Mitt Romney says he would repeal the Affordable Care Act.  So here's a quick question:  Can I have $18,000 to help pay for my birth control?"   

Despite the gross inaccuracies and exaggerations of Democrat political activist Ms. Sandra Fluke, any woman can tell you that the routinely-prescribed generic birth control pills cost just $9 a month at any Big Box store or pharmacy these days.  And these same pills have been used for years for a number of other female issues as well. Beyond that, if you have a young teen asking for birth control pills, the both of you have far more serious issues to discuss than the cost of pills, including antibiotic resistant, incurable and life-threatening sexually-transmitted diseases.  Evidently, there is no end to the lengths Democrats will go to in order to promote their totally fabricated War On Women.

Just when you think the Left can't stoop any lower...

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