America's Holocaust - And Response (3)

  • Monday, February 11, 2013

Most of us in the 21st Century in America do not take a gun and do harm to our neighbors or ourselves. No, this is not yet another "gun article" either for or against. That will be for another article. 

Today we examine the saddest moments in America's history-The American Holocaust-beginning when abortion, the destruction of a life, that within a few weeks of conception has a heartbeat, feels pain, and after the 6th month can survive with medical help outside the mother's womb, is purposely destroyed. 

The Bible says that human beings are "made in the Image of God." (Genesis). That God forms us even in our mother's womb (Psalms 139). That our lives belong to Him. 

The Declaration of Independence says that "we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights and that among those rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Babies inside the womb are a totally different entity than the mom or the dad, and yet, we do not, in many cases, afford these same rights to these babies. 

The Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. If pro-lifers are right, and scientifically we have seen the proof, babies have a "heart beat" the first trimester, ultrasounds show organs developing, babies feel "pain", may live with medical assistance outside the womb

After the 6th month, etc.---then why is the Holocaust (killing of babies) continuing? 

There are many reasons. Instead of acknowledging God is in control and knows best, humans think they should be in control. A woman thinks I made a mistake in engaging in pre-marital sex and now I do not want to take responsibility for this baby or I am married, but this is not a "convenient" time to be pregnant. In a word, selfishness. The sequence is backwards.

The pro-abortion camp is "right" about this part. Ladies, it is "your body" and you have the "right to choose" what you do with it. However, once you have "made your choice to sleep with someone" if a baby is conceived then the argument is not what you do with "your body" because you have already made that decision and now you have a "totally different person inside your body."

I write about this today because it seems to me that we have lived with this ungodly law for 40 years. Millions upon millions of babies have been slaughtered. If our mothers had done this, I would not be writing and you would not be reading this.

We cannot bear to watch graphic pictures of abortions. Could it be that down deep inside we "know" that it is morally wrong? 

In addition to the "immorality" of lives murdered, think of the many things we have lost.  Financially, Social Security has lost a "generation" of workers to contribute into the system. Who knows what great preachers, ministry workers, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, business owners, school administrators, business managers, teachers, nurses, artists, musicians, farmers, workers, homemakers, moms, and dads we have missed out on?

Emotionally, every person in a woman's "sphere of influence" is affected by this decision---the woman, the baby's father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. They will all suffer if a baby is not allowed to live. In addition, other women will be negatively affected. No man or woman is an island and we inadvertently set an example for others either good or bad.  

My purpose for writing is not to "heap guilt," There is forgiveness and healing at the foot of the cross of Christ.

My purpose is simply to ask---"Isn't 40 years and millions of babies killed enough?" You know those 20 6-year-olds who were murdered in Newtown, they were 72 months old. Seventy-three months earlier their mom could have decided to have an abortion and not let them live. The difference is they were blessed with six years of life on this earth. 

I believe that we are reaping what we have sown not just through abortion, but through the "Death Culture" that permeates our land---We do not value life we cannot see so why should we value life outside the womb. We see more and more physical child abuse, sexual child abuse, child abandonment, young people going on shooting rampages, murders in the streets, not to mention of the elderly called euthanasia.

I believe our society has numbed itself to abortion, abuse, violence, etc.---To the point that it really does not affect us unless it's someone in our family. 

This article is a reminder that life is sacred. We need to protect it inside and outside of the womb. There are no unwanted babies. Families are longing for babies. Here in Chattanooga Choices is a pregnancy resource center that is staffed with caring people to help in crisis. Ladies and gentlemen, please do not make a choice you will regret for a lifetime. Choose life. You will be everlastingly glad you did. From a lover of life.

Sabrina Daniel 

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You are comparing a legal medical procedure to the Holocaust?  Do you know what bothers me almost as much as that?  

It's the fact that as a pro-choice supporter, it would not bother me one iota if every pregnant woman independently made the choice to not have an abortion, yet the opponents of pro-choice don't believe that's anybody's choice but theirs.  

Herb Montgomery

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There are no unwanted babies?  You do realize that babies grow to be children, right?  And there are half a million children in foster care in the U.S., 40,000 of which are infants.  Half of the children taken into foster care each year will be permanently placed into the system.  And, of those, almost half are currently waiting to be adopted.  That’s over 100,000 children in this country waiting for someone to want them.   

There are so many wonderful children already born who need a family.  Let’s focus on giving them a good life before we fight to bring more into this world.

Hayley Roberson

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Thank you, Sabrina Daniel, for an excellent letter. No doubt you are on "the right side of history" on this issue. The new 3D ultrasounds now available leave no doubt what is being butchered via abortion -- an innocent baby. One day humans will look back at this period of legal abortion with utter disgust.  

Mr. Montgomery, yes, comparing abortion to the holocaust is most appropriate. Merely because it is a "legal medical procedure" as you call it makes it no less violent or abhorrent. Slavery was once legal in this country. Not allowing women to vote was once legal. Children working countless hours in sweatshops was also at one time legal. Killing babies in the womb is as vile as it gets. 

Ms. Roberson, while it may be noble to help children find happiness and good homes, it doesn't therefore mean it is okay to murder innocent children. Just because you don't see the child as it is murdered doesn't change the fact what is occurring. Perhaps if society had to look at the aforementioned 3D ultrasound prior to the killing, then society would end the atrocity. 

Marie Walsh

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