Bill Hewgley: All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy

  • Wednesday, October 1, 2014
  • Bill Hewgley
Bill Hewgley
Bill Hewgley

Okay, let’s take a break to laugh a little.

Normal brains are hard wired and chemically controlled to stop laughing or stop crying at some point, or we would go nuts. There must be relief from the extremes of our emotions; there must be balance. You must have balance in your personal and business lives; but the reverse of the old maxim is: “All play and no work makes Jack a poor boy.”  

I tell young people all the time to think about their careers and business like they did about sports as kids. It was just a game and we knew there would be some hard knocks, but it was so fun.  We begged to go in and endure the pain so we might be the one to score the winning points at the last second…we all played out that dream behind the house as kids. The glory that awaited us for achievement completely overwhelmed any fears of pain; we were motivated. 

As teenagers, we got seriously motivated for another popular game and risked life and limb to find one, get in it and hopefully, play it often for life…but that’s a story for another day. The point is for you to remember how much fun was in the chase-often it was far more thrilling than the actual results, which tended to be very short and unfulfilling, to say the least, for one of the players. I think it was Plato who once said “the imagination is always better than the real thing.”  It’s okay to dream, but don’t set your expectations in love or life in an unrealistic manner. There is a place for you in this world and it waits patiently for someone with your assets to knock on the door.  Be realistic about your odds for success and choose the targets of your affection and interest with great care. Remember what Dad said: “Only a fool would aim his cannon straight up.”

Great success is simply the logical conclusion in a chain of smaller successes. There is a passage in the Bible that says, “Be faithful over a few and I will make you ruler over many.”  I was told that on my first day as a young manager trainee at American Manufacturing Company and one day, I retired as president, because I was faithful in my duties at every level. In the end, you realize that a great leader works for employees, not the other way like most folks think. The lost word, the Holy Grail of traits, the secret to success…DUTY.  Rarely heard any longer, even more rarely honored in our self-serving society. Too bad, but you do not have to miss out. 

With rights come responsibilities; with freedom comes duty; with success must come humility and compassion for others. It is my duty to give back to the country and society that allowed me to seek and achieve my dreams. It is my duty to be a good citizen, neighbor and friend to all who seek the same in life, along with some who don’t. They are all my fellow travelers on the same road, arriving at the same end, just on different trains and schedules. 

In the end, don’t take yourself so seriously, find joy in all circumstances, but laugh most of all at yourself – I know that I do. The trains will still run on time and the sun will come up when you are gone…just hope that someone remembers you and lifts a toast to your life; hopefully, they were proud to know you and glad you touched their lives. 

“Make people glad they met you; leave them better off than how you found them, or leave them alone…” – Johnnie Bell Legg Hewgley circa 1964

Email Bill Hewgley at

(About the Author: Bill Hewgley is president, Metalworking Solutions, LLC. Bill grew up near South Pittsburg, the youngest son of good parents of humble means. He married the girl of his dreams at a young age and worked his way through college at the University of Tennessee.

He is currently reaping the true rewards of a faithful hard working life with his bride of 40+ years in being able to enjoy their four wonderful grandchildren. Bill is having the time of his career heading up the team at Metalworking Solutions, a company he founded after retiring as President of American Manufacturing Company. One of his chief priorities now is to mentor this upcoming millennial generation, while honoring those who helped him find his own way in life, by passing it on.)

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