Tommy Crangle Is A True American - And Response

  • Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tommy Crangle was trained to think like an engineer. Unlike his opponent who on occasion has classified herself as an Independent, Mr. Crangle has been a conservative state and federal constitution loving Republican to the bone all his life. He supports all the amendments. Tommy Crangle will take non-emotional problem solving to Nashville for the good of all the people of the 27th District.

I assure you Tommy is solidly on the side of small business, small government, preserving parent-teacher partnerships and local control of education. As a member of Lookout Valley Baptist Church Tommy upholds traditional American values. He will work to protect the taxpayer and to achieve a more efficient state government while seeking transparency in our government.

Tommy is a true American. Recently he served our country abroad by helping to rebuild the power grid in Iraq and was awarded a medal of excellence by General Petraeus. At home Tommy has worked to expand the role of minorities in business in our community.  Vote for Tommy Crangle to represent District 27 in the Tennessee House of Representatives.

Roger W. Catlin

* * *

In 2010, voters of the 3rd Congressional District should have sent Tommy Crangle, a dedicated intelligent and Constitutional conservative to Washington to represent us.  Instead, we chose Chuck Fleischmann. Our 2014 choice for Congress is now between a guarded and reticent third-termer, with a not too stalwart record, vs. a twenty-something wannabe, with little life experience and short on job experience.  We face this dilemma because we didn’t send a true Statesman, Tommy Crangle to Washington in 2010.

With a dedicated love for his country, Tommy is now asking to represent us in Tennessee House District 27.  Let’s not repeat the same mistake we made in 2010.

Tommy is a principled conservative who, unlike his opponent, didn’t vote for Democrat Presidential candidates in 2004 and 2008.  An effective leader at TVA, Tommy also directed rebuilding the electric power grid in Iraq.  He was never a lobbyist, an opportunist or compromiser, who goes along to get along.  Tommy has the wisdom and flexibility to work with others of a different persuasion, but without compromising his principles. 

Let’s not repeat our mistake of 2010.  Send Tommy Crangle to Nashville to represent District 27 in 2014. 

Paul Shearer


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