Help Needed From Congressman To Abate Public Nuisance Of Sky Striping

  • Thursday, July 31, 2014
  • David Tulis
Chemtrails crisscross the skies over Hixson on Wednesday afternoon
Chemtrails crisscross the skies over Hixson on Wednesday afternoon

Dear Rep. Fleischmann,
This morning (July 30) the U.S. government intervened in one more area of public life in which it has neither competence nor authority. And that is the great marketplace of the skies over Chattanooga and Hamilton County where sunlight, wind and moisture consort.

Planes of unknown origin flew over the city all day, depositing white trails that curled into stringy masses of cloud and great banks of mist. At least three of the aircraft could not be tracked by, hinting they are not subject to ordinary rules. The haze that regularly hangs over the city was intensified. It’s been a bad month. Jet overflights created muzzy skies July 1-5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26 and today. The smokepot city of the 1960s is the yellow hazepot of the 2010s, thanks to this intervention.

You suppose that these sky stripes are mere water vapor condensate known as contrails, which is short for “condensation trails.” But jet engine design, modified by military interest in near-invisible flying, has gone well past the point in which engines leave contrails.

The sky stripes over Chattanooga are part of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, a weather intervention visible in everyone's eyesight but unnoticed because it operates behind the veil of national security and compelling state interest.

As I live in your district, you represent me to the federal government. That also means you represent the federal government to me, and are its political agent, its human face. I am writing you about my anxieties over airborne toxic metals and the prospect of neurological maladies among innocent members of the public. My plea has three parts.

— Please notify the Department of Defense that a voter in your district is concerned about stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, which lays aluminum, strontium, barium and a cocktail of other ingredients in the air. Local air pollution control bureau data confirm these elements are continually in the air we breathe. Please ask DOD to stop depositing these materials in our air.

— Please notify the Environmental Protection Agency that it needs to direct Bob Colby, the director of the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau to set in motion a health standard on limits of aluminum, strontium and barium. Mr. Colby records these toxic ingredients and happily produced printouts for me of their levels. But he is forbidden to take any interest in them as a matter of public health. He needs to be given authority to declare the skystriping program a threat to the health of local people, and to have standing to sue for its cessation.

— I request that you demand from these agencies and others working in league with them that they desist from this public nuisance.

The following I offer by way of evidence.
(1) An explosion in neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s among the elderly, and autism among the young. The causes of these conditions, no doubt, are several. But contributing to them in some degree is stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, with its nanoparticulate aluminum deposits that drift to the ground if not inhaled first or deposited onto vegetables growing in fields of local farms. These airborne efforts have stepped up markedly since a declaration of war was issued against so-called global warming.

(2) Regulatory programs on the ground make skyborne pollution inconceivable to an unsuspecting public. Successive EPA crackdowns on pollution sources give the impression that the U.S. government is concerned about pollution, especially in terms of global warming for which it blames industry, highway traffic and human life itself. However, the dispersal of CO2 and particulate metal in the upper atmosphere is a chief contributor to global warming, according to Dane Wigington of Redding, Calif., lead researcher It’s as if the harshness of the U.S. regulatory apparatus on the ground is justified by a secret program above the cumulus far worse than any TVA smokestack.

(3) Bizarre weather patterns. The advent of “global warming-induced” bad weather indicates that stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is measurable by means other than tonnage dispersed by jets with FOIA-invulnerable manifests. NOAA satellite imagery of the West Coast shows regular jet trail intervention over vast swaths of the Pacific Ocean that have altered normal hydrological cycles. California’s drought is three years in the making; the American West is melting. Tennessee and the East are subject to abnormal cold temperatures. Today the morning temps in Soddy-Daisy were in the 60s. On March 25 a bizarre snowstorm hit downtown Chattanooga, a day after heavy sky hacking, I reported. Even though academic literature suggests stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is untested theory, evidence of sense and sight and in weather data tell of an active program with damage outside any calculation. Forest die-offs, numerous inexplicable fish kills, bee colony die-offs, hailstones the size of half-cantaloupes, hailstorms whose leavings are a sea of mud, record UV readings and NOAA’s 2011 report on inexplicable aerosol deposit in the world’s skies that it says “has offset about a third of the current climate warming influence of carbon dioxide (CO2) change during the past decade.” Since the 1950s pollutants have dimmed the sun 22 percent as measured by evaporation rates, the BBC reports. Under the U.S. program, Chattanooga skies are perpetually milky white, hazy as a result of these overflights.

Under the “nano shield,” under this defensive iron dome, as it were, the sun’s punch is softened, its ferocity diminished, our summer remarkably mild. The sun today is a sweatless orb.

On July 15, the supervisors of Shasta County, Calif., held a public meeting over the environmental threat of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. Thanks to the power of the Internet to bypass establishment media and expose the doings of the deep state, the story is getting out, and more people are uniting to oppose sky striping. A worldwide protest against chemtrailing is set Sept. 27.
Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is a U.S. directive whose costs we pay with our health without any compensation. In other words, an unfunded mandate.

I realize your office is not a court; still, I submit this petition in my persona propria, my proper and natural person, and on behalf of two other people — my listener at, airing on my radio station, Hot News Talk Radio 1240, and my reader at, a text platform that covers local economy and free markets.

In my own interest and on behalf of these two souls, I request that you notify said purported government that we are unwilling to be subjected to SAG and its perils, both actual and prospective.
Respectfully, etc.

— David Tulis hosts 1 to 3 p.m. weekdays at Hot News Talk Radio 910 1190 and 1240 AM, a show that covers local economy and free markets in Chattanooga and beyond.
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