Stephen Wright And Cheryl Dunson Are Award Winners At Chamber's 90th Annual Meeting

  • Friday, January 22, 2016

Stephen D. Wright, president and CEO of Wright Brothers Construction Company Inc. and Wright Brothers Contracting Inc., was awarded the Headrick Free Enterprise Award and Cheryl Dunson, executive vice president of marketing for Santek, received the Varnell Leadership Award during presentations at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce.

Following his father’s example, Mr. Wright is the 2015 recipient of the M.C. Headrick Free Enterprise Award. The Headrick Award is the highest recognition presented by the Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce and honors the memory of one of the most outstanding business executives Cleveland/Bradley County has ever produced who believed wholeheartedly in the fundamental concepts of the free enterprise system.

Mr. Wright's father, Robert W. Wright, received the prestigious Headrick Award in 2012. 

Officials recognized Stephen Wright during special ceremonies at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, Jan. 21, at Omega Center International. 

Wright Brothers Construction Company, formed in 1961, performs site preparation, grading, excavating, and highway and heavy construction services, and is one of the biggest contractors in the southeastern United States. The company has actively employed Stephen Wright for almost 40 years, in every position from laborer to corporate officer. 

“Stephen would go to work with me all day whenever he could from the time he was 10-12 years old,” Robert Wright said. “I can remember him going with me when we were working on Northgate Mall in Chattanooga and when working on I-75 just north of Lower River Road. He would work all day helping the oiler/mechanic by loosening the bolts and nuts to change the cutting edges, handing them tools, fueling and oiling the equipment, or helping the powder man with the drilling and filling the holes, or riding along on the equipment.

“It was not long before someone would lay out, and he would run their bulldozer or whatever equipment they were supposed to be. We [began] to depend on him being there whenever he was not in school. One of the mechanics even suggested getting him a motorcycle so he could get from one place to another faster because he was so helpful. This guy was also teaching him a 'foreign language,' which his mother was not fond of at all.

"Simply stated, Stephen quickly learned all parts of the business and could handle anything that came his way."

He began at the company in 1978 in various positions, including heavy equipment operator to grade and pipe foreman and company pilot. In 1983 he moved to project manager for numerous public projects for the Departments of Transportation of Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Virginia, along with many nonpublic projects.

Mr. Wright became vice president-in-charge of operations for the company in 1993, a position held until 2008 when he became president and chief executive officer for Wright Brothers. Sales volume in 2007 was $88.8 million and rose to $124.7 million in 2015. The company, now 55 years in continuous operation, has grown from its lowest at 252 employees in 2009 to 414 employees in 2014 and 404 in 2015.

"His interests in his industry give him credibility as a business owner and entrepreneur," officials said.

He is past chairman of the board of directors of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association, a position he describes as a “means of paying back an industry that has been good to the Wright family.”

Mr. Wright serves on the boards for the Road Contractors Mutual Insurance Company and Tennessee Infrastructure Alliance.

"As an industry leader, Wright is unparalleled, serving through the years as president of the Contractors Division, American Road and Transportation Builders Association, and Tennessee Road Builders Association," officials said.

He was also a member of the board of trustees for Tennessee Road Builders Association Self-Insured Workers Compensation Trust and member of TDOT’s Southeast Regional Work Group Long-Range Transportation Plan.

In the local community, Wright is a member of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church and is a former member of the Board of Elders.  He served as chairman of the board of the Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce in 2012 after serving on the board of directors.
He also served a term on the board of directors of Southeast Tennessee Development District and as a commission member of the Tennessee Department of the Transportation Division of Aeronautics as well.

"Mr. Wright is widely recognized for his work ethic and integrity, but he also places high value on family," officials said.

Bob Card, nominator, said, “Many people helped Steve reach his success, but I should point out that two of them were invaluable—his sister, Cindy Freeman, who is an excellent CFO, and his wife, Lou Ann, ‘the wind beneath his wings.’ ”

Robert Wright also expressed thanks to God for Stephen and his family. “Stephen has become a well-respected man in his field for his abilities and his character,” his father said. “He tried to always do the right thing and to treat others with respect and integrity. I am so very proud of him and the man he has become.”

Ms.Dunson, who was awarded the Varnell Leadership Award, was recognized for "unstoppable love for faith, family, career and community."

"Maya Angelou once said, 'My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.'  This epitomizes the outlook on life for the 2016 Robert W. Varnell Jr. Award winner and characterizes her personal, professional and community life," officials said.

Named for the late Robert W. Varnell Jr., the award recognizes someone whose life represents the passion in business, church and community leadership reflected in Robert Varnell’s life. The award is one of the highest presented by the Chamber of Commerce.

Ms. Dunson and husband Charles have been Bradley County residents since 1991. They live and work on a farm raising dogs, chickens, goats, a donkey and other assorted four-legged family members.  However, her life most assuredly is not confined to the farm. 

The Dunsons are members and active participants of Kinser Church of God. According to her pastor, the Rev. Guinn E. Green, Cheryl has a great passion to help others in their time of need. She has been a “vital member of our Practical Christianity Sunday school as secretary, encourager, and pupil and in the social aspect of parties, sharing and organizing events” since its inception, he said.

She also cooks for Men’s Fellowship breakfasts and is active in Vacation Bible School (VBS), sometimes bringing farm animals to VBS so children can pet the animals. She also writes for and supports production of the church’s monthly newsletter. 

In addition to giving her time, she financially supports her church. With organization and financial support, the Dunsons provided for a new church marquee. 

“Cheryl has a servant’s heart, and I have the highest esteem for her compassion and work for God’s kingdom,” Pastor Green said. “We are honored to work with her in our church and through community projects. What a blessing she is.” 

More recently, Ms. Dunson has fulfilled a calling as a hospice volunteer, according to nominator Margaret Schenck, executive vice president of operations for Polartec Tennessee Manufacturing. 
“Even with family demands, farm chores, club meetings and a very busy work and travel schedule, Cheryl still makes time to visit her hospice patient weekly,” Ms. Schenck said. “Not only does this wonderful person minister to the patient but to their family as well. She has been known to cook meals for the families even after the patient has passed.”

Officials said, "This year’s Varnell Award winner has carried passion and compassion into her position with Santek for more than 25 years, first as public relations director and now as executive vice president of marketing."

“Customers who deal with Cheryl on a regular basis know that she is as good as her word—a true straight shooter who lives by her Christian beliefs,” Ms. Schenck said. 

Of the Varnell Award, Bradley County Mayor D. Gary Davis stressed that it is “reserved for individuals who best demonstrate the principles of the late Robert Varnell in that not only was there tremendous business acumen and success achieved, but this process was also balanced with tremendous positive community impact and leadership.  A limited few can ‘talk trash,’ make it interesting, preserve the environment, achieve profitability for all involved, encourage those who just hear her speak, and then still have the time and energy for life on a working farm at the end of a day like Cheryl Dunson.”

“Her dedicated and exceptional service has not only helped this private enterprise,” Mayor Davis said, “but our community and all of the communities across nine states benefit from the Landfill Management & Waste Collection Solutions. From construction, to acquisition, to management, to financing, her unstoppable energy has been vital to help their public partners remain in control of their landfills.”

Officials said that Ms. Dunson's community involvement is legendary.  A member of Cleveland Associated Industries, she currently serves as the manufacturing organization’s president. She is an active participant and board member of Cleveland/Bradley Keep America Beautiful. She also served on the board of directors for the Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce and as the Chamber’s vice president of membership development.


Ms. Dunson is a 10-year board member of Junior Achievement of the Ocoee Region and served two terms as its president. In 2010, she received Junior Achievement’s highest award, “Above and Beyond,” for exemplifying integrity, respect and excellence.

Described as “the heart of Bradley Sunrise Rotary,” Ms. Dunson has held membership in the civic club since March 1999. A sustaining Paul Harris Fellow and member of the Paul Harris Society, she has served as an officer and board member for many years. She authors many Sunrise Rotary publicity pieces, received Rotarian of the Year recognition, and oversaw and coordinated the club’s first major fundraiser, the Goff-Hall Hope Builders Golf Marathon, which raised more than $45,000 the first year. She continues to support this annual fundraiser, which evolved into the Sunrise Sunset Gala that has raised well over half a million dollars to help a variety of organizations. 

Ms. Dunson has served in many capacities beyond the club level to support the Rotary District and was recently selected to a three-year term as assistant district governor for District 6780, the first assistant district governor selected from Bradley County.

According to Steve Montgomery, Prospect Elementary School principal, this year’s Varnell Award winner also has been instrumental in connecting business with public education through the Chamber’s BEST partnership program (Business & Education Serving Together). Eight years ago, Santek and Prospect became BEST partners and forged a unique relationship. 

“I have been impressed with her attitude toward learning and children,” Mr. Montgomery said, noting that she is personally involved in every project that involves Prospect. “She wants to make sure that every child has the same opportunity and resources no matter their economic station in life, often funding projects personally if they are not Santek projects. However, with Mrs. Dunson, it is not just about giving money; it is about making sure that all children have equal experiences.”

On a personal level, the principal noted that over the eight years Ms. Dunson has become a treasured friend. “This friendship has been built on respect,” he said. “I have noticed that she dives head first into any project with which she is involved. It seems as if anything she touches, or with which she is involved, succeeds. She works toward her goals with unlimited enthusiasm, giving of her time as well as her money. When we have children’s programs, she attends, greets students, and speaks encouraging words to students and teachers. Not only does she attend, but often she brings employees with her.

“While she is an integral part of our school, her vision and her giving serve as an example for many in Cleveland. She makes one want to become involved and give back. She certainly has made an impression on our faculty and staff.”

"Just as Maya Angelou said, Cheryl Dunson’s mission is to thrive with 'some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.' Her passion and compassion are evident as is her style in all she touches. The icing on the cake is her huge laugh that brings a characteristic joy into every setting, every effort and every relationship," officials said.

Mayor Davis said, “Our community has been blessed by her vast and unstoppable love for her faith, family, career and community.”

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