Growing Up With A Radio Legend (Earl Freudenberg)

  • Monday, May 16, 2016
From left, Amy Freudenberg Dover, Earl Freudenberg and Amy’s husband, Russell Dover, right after Earl Freudenberg was Inducted into the Tennessee Radio Hall of Fame in Murfreesboro, Tn.
From left, Amy Freudenberg Dover, Earl Freudenberg and Amy’s husband, Russell Dover, right after Earl Freudenberg was Inducted into the Tennessee Radio Hall of Fame in Murfreesboro, Tn.
photo by David Carroll

After spending the weekend celebrating my Dad's induction into the Tennessee Radio Hall of Fame, I had a chance to really consider how far the radio industry has metamorphosed in just my lifetime. Allow me to share some of my observances and recollections. 

When I was little Dad's focus was news reporting. He had police scanners on his nightstand and would awaken at the sound of potential news in the making. Many weekends were spent doing live remote broadcasts, whether supporting charity or promoting a business, these were a regular part of Dad's life. 

My earliest memories of his profession were the many broadcasting students that would "intern" with him in the news department at WDOD. I believe most of these students came from Tennessee Temple. I remember names, even though I wouldn't necessarily remember faces.  

During my elementary years and even into junior high Dad was heavily involved in civic and community service. I reveled in being his little shadow at Forgotten Child Fund events, from the remotes at Brainerd Village and Northgate, to riding in ambulances or police cars on Christmas Eve in the famous Santa Train.  

I remember being in awe of all the decorated military brass that would come in for the Armed Forces Day parade, which Dad announced and I had the privilege of sitting near the military elite, just a few feet from the announcer's box. I even recall attending a couple of AFD Prayer Breakfasts. Instilling in me a sense of patriotism, largely lost in today's generation. 

All this lead me to think how much has changed. No longer do we depend on broadcast media through radio for our news source. All we do now is log into Facebook or Twitter and within minutes we not only know the happenings in our city, but across the world.  

Dad pointed out to me at lunch today, the one thing radio can do that social media can not is they can get you through drive time...because, after all, you shouldn't be checking your phone for traffic reports, but you can easily tune into your favorite local station for traffic updates. 

Times have changed and in order for an industry to remain viable, they must change along with them. One thing I wish we could get back to is the personal connection with our favorite radio voice. Today's generation doesn't have that, my father's generation did/does and my generation is somewhere in between. 

Growing up a child of a radio personality certainly did not bring with itself riches as far as monetary wealth goes, but it brought with it experiences that money can not buy. Back stage passes to the Grand Ole' Opry, free concerts and events, tickets to see President Ronald Reagan speak at the Roundhouse, access to Chattanooga icons and elite when you needed someone to interview for a school writing project, a radio station in which to air a student mock Presidential debate for your high school speech class (1988 Bush/Dukasis, yours truly got to be the moderator,) a rich introduction and appreciation of music of numerous genres, and the beauty of giving back to the community in which you lived and loved. 

What a great weekend of not only honoring my well deserving father, but also reminiscing about my upbringing as it related to his profession. Thank you to all at ?#?2016TRHOF? for the opportunity to share in this special weekend! To my daddy, I love you.

Amy Freudenberg Dover

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