A Light Rain Began To Fall - And Response (3)

  • Saturday, January 21, 2017

Around noon Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the most powerful nation on Earth after a long and sometimes bitter campaign where 17 GOP candidates of his own party and two of the opposing party competed for the honor.  

Thousands rejoiced in the Washington D.C. streets while policemen who had come along with national guardsmen pushed back the protesters who came to disrupt and possibly prevent the ceremony.  It was said that he had the lowest approval record of any President Elect in history.  Some said they would leave America if he was elected.  Even the most knowledgeable political pollsters and commentators said his election was impossible.  There was no conceivable way he would be elected.

But he was.  Eight years of tearing down the values Christian America stands for and America was founded on were now behind us. 

As he took the platform to speak after being sworn in a light rain began to fall on him as he began to speak.  Franklin Graham before praying his closing prayer commented to the President and the nation, “Mr. President, in the Bible rain is considered a blessing on the land and I noticed it began to fall on you as you began your message.  Is it a sign from Him that He is going to bless this land and make it fruitful again through you?” 

Be encouraged America.  The Old Testament is filled with instances where God used imperfect men like Moses, David and Jacob  to fulfill his will for His people. Pray for the President that he will follow God’s commands.  

Bobby Wood

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Eight years of tearing down the values Christian America stands for and America was founded on were now behind us..... 

Excuse me? Did somebody lock your church door? Did somebody take your guns? Letters like these make me ashamed to be an American. Letters like these also restore my faith that Christianity, at least where some folks choose to darken the door, has indeed lost its way. No time for teachings of Jesus when you are busy telling your flock which candidate to vote against. 

Unfortunately, in this election, religion has chosen to twist and reinterpret scripture in order to pat itself on the back for a job well done when it pulled the lever for Trump. Oh don't worry, he's a flawed individual, but God sent him anyway.  Seems nobody has considered the much more reasonable possibility that Satan answered all of your hate-filled prayers and what we have now is the fruits of your misplaced labors. Congratulations on a job not well done, but hell done.

Herb Montgomery

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"Letters like these make me ashamed to be an American." Oh my. 

Once again Mr. Montgomery tries to dash someone's optimism with his rancor. 

"Did somebody lock your church door?" People's lives most certainly have been destroyed, their earnings wasted, businesses destroyed, trying to stand up for what they believe, their personal values, and not be forced to participate in someone else's personal lifestyle. Small minorities have forced the majority not to allow them to live their lives in peace, but to support and participate in lifestyles they strongly disagree with. 

"Did somebody take your guns?" No, but it hasn't been for not trying. The past eight years have been the biggest boon for gun sales in the history of our nation resulting from attempts of people guarded by private security forces, armed security forces, to disarm average citizens whose only wish is to live peacefully in a safe and secure space for themselves and their families. Our police have become targets. So too our other first responders. Our military have become a social experiment, as their funding has been reduced to almost unsustainable levels. 

But the welfare system hasn't suffered at all, has it, and those of us who go to work every day are forced to pay the bill. 

When they were young we always told our children to pay attention to their own plates and mind their own business instead of what others had. Instead of amateurish attempts at bullying and pulling others down maybe if those like Mr. Montgomery took a walk in the woods to breath in the fresh air, bask in the sunshine, or lift their faces into the rain, feed the birds, or the animals, they wouldn't be so worried about what others enjoy. 

And maybe Mr. Montgomery wouldn't be so ashamed to be an American. 

Vicki Rodgers
Nine Mile, Tn.

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Ms. Rogers displays a painfully obvious hypocrisy typical of the religious right.

If she was taught so well to "pay attention to (her) own plate and mind (her) own business instead of what others had", she'd be minding her own business and letting those expressing a "personal lifestyle" live their lives without impediment to happiness. (say the words, Ms. Rogers, you mean gay. Homosexual. Queer.)

No one is forcing you to participate in or even support the gay community. They can get along fine without your support or participation, I assure you. But actively rallying and discriminating and, yes, voting against them for who they are is repugnant. If anything, you are attempting to force them to live your own narrow-minded lifestyle.

As for your guns: no, no one has been trying to take them. Gun sales grew over the Obama administration because of paranoid people who believed lies told to get your vote. So feel free to stockpile weapons of destruction, just as Jesus would've wanted you to.

Ray Ingraham

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