Roy Exum: Why CNN Is Gonna Croak

  • Sunday, February 25, 2018
  • Roy Exum
Roy Exum
Roy Exum

I believe CNN (Cable News Network) has become one of the most disappointing news sources America has ever known in the last five years. The bastions of sound journalism no longer exist as the once-great organization has gone the way of liberal loathing. Its new basis-of-fact cannot be trusted and the overwhelming bias against conservatives in our nation is as morbid as it is frightening.

This week CNN’s Editor at Large, a definite snowflake named Chris Cillizza, allowed his hatred for Donald Trump to fall in harsh glare Wednesday when he penned a reprehensible story under the headline, “What Donald Trump’s Quote on Billy Graham Tells You About Donald Trump.”

Actually, Trump was quick to tweet: “The GREAT Billy Graham is dead. There was nobody like him! He will be missed by Christians and all religions. A very special man.” I thought it was a great reaction just seconds after the news came Dr. Graham had died at 99 but the CNN Editor turned Trump’s comment into a public scathing. When I read Cillizza I felt his stand was horribly out-of-line and anytime we start grading people on their compliment, it is time for spineless scallywags to turn to another game. I hope I’ll never read Cillizza again.

Here’s what this journalist wrote that proves he is no longer a journalist:

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Washington (CNN) -- On Wednesday morning, legendary pastor Billy Graham passed away at the age of 99 at his family home in North Carolina. Encomiums from politicians -- many of whom Graham had known personally -- began pouring in almost immediately.

Here are five from well-known Republican politicians. See if you can pick out the one from President Donald Trump:

1. "Dr. Graham was a counselor to presidents, a pastor to the masses, and most of all -- a loving, caring, husband, father, and grandfather. May He Rest In Peace."

2. "We send our deepest condolences to the Graham family. Billy Graham's ministry for the gospel of Jesus Christ and his matchless voice changed the lives of millions. We mourn his passing but I know with absolute certainty that today he heard those words, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' Thank you Billy Graham. God bless you."

3. "I think Billy touched the hearts of not only Christians, but people of all faiths, because he was such a good man. I was privileged to have him as a personal friend."

4. "The GREAT Billy Graham is dead. There was nobody like him! He will be missed by Christians and all religions. A very special man."

5. "Billy Graham lifted eyes toward heaven and instilled heaven's values in hearts. The world mourns this man of character, this man of God."

Trump's quote is #4 above. But, you already knew that.

(The other four are from, in order, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, Vice President Mike Pence, former President George H.W. Bush and Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and current Senate candidate in Utah.)

That quartet all sound like politicians and/or statesmen in their quotes on Graham. They adhere to an accepted vocabulary of how to mourn a public figure revered by a large chunk of the people who did, do or will vote for them. Their quotes aim to connect Graham to a broader, more universal truth -- whether that's about our shared values or our common humanity.

Set against that backdrop, Trump's quote stands out like a sore thumb.

The use of the ALL CAPS for one thing. The exclamation point at the end of "There was nobody like him!" The sentence fragment "A very special man." It's all, in a word, perfectly Trumpian.

If you like Trump, you view the fact that he doesn't sound like any past president (or, really, any past politician) as a great thing. All the past politicians have failed. So, why not put someone like Trump, who rejects all of their pomp and circumstance, in there?

If you loathe Trump, statements like this one drive you insane. His utter lack of statesmanship -- and seeming pride in that lack -- speak to why you believe America should have never elected him in the first place.

No matter where you fall on that spectrum, it is impossible to conclude anything other than this: Donald Trump, in deeds and words, is fundamentally reshaping what it means to be president (and presidential).

There has never been someone who looked, thought or sounded like him in the nation's highest office. And, no matter whether he stays in office for four or eight years, he will have a major effect on how we think about who can be president and how a president can talk and act going forward.


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Here are some comments from those who read Cillizza’s rubbish:

* -- May the bird of paradise fly up your nose, may an elephant caress you with his other words...sometimes CNN should be silent.

* -- At all times CNN should be silent. A total bunch of idiots.

* -- Don't watch them anymore. Totally tired of the fake news and the media warts reporting it.

* -- CNN is so eat up with TDS they need medical attention of a psychiatric nature... even then, likely not enough. Just like with Obama, they bought into a narrative so heavily, they can't back peddle without losing face... so instead they lose all credibility in the process. They are tools AND fools.

* -- CNN's Cillizza is one reason his network's ratings are in the toilet. Bravo for our president. I voted for him because I was sick of politicians and "statesmen" whom Cillizza apparently loves. What our GREAT president said was certainly appropriate and well spoken. Whether you agreed with any of Billy Graham's theology is beside the point. To deny his courage, passion, life-style, and accomplishments is foolish beyond words. Mr. Cillizza...I'm now turning on Fox to get fair and balanced news.

* -- And that's why we elected Mr. Trump! Because he doesn't sound like some pomous BS-artist politician who couldn't care less about Rev. Graham. (To Secretary) Margie! Have my speech writer give me something to say about Graham. And be sure to make it sound "statesmanlike".

* -- Some people don't know what to say when a special person dies but they know they'll miss that person in their heart. People need to be more understanding of each other and less judgemental. I for one think President Trump used his words and we the people understand the message! CNN is irrelevant! And so are many other reporters and networks!

* -- I have little issue with what the President said, certainly when one considers all his words. Most of us have only God's Mercy to give us a chance to be in Heaven, we will never be deserving - others, like Mr. Graham, truly belong; they are God's children for certain, they embraced and believed, that which Jesus was sent here by Our Father, to share with all of humanity! They shared the lessons of Jesus with the world not by Vocal Statements but by the simple deeds they performed to show us how we are supposed to treat each other - Humanity has a long journey still in front of us. Shall we all be given that chance to Accept and Embrace Our Father as Mr. Graham certainly did.

* -- Yes, Chris at CNN should apply all that to his life.

* -- I think the President’s comments were very appropriate. He showed a true realization of what Christian people believe about Billy Graham. He was well known, well-loved and there will never be another Man of God like him again. Millions of people were lead to Christ because of him!

* -- Obama sounded like he had just stepped back from the ghetto. I prefer the way Trump speaks. If that sounds racist to you, then YOU have a problem, not me.

* -- My conclusion is that CNN cannot bear to be silent on, or, Heaven forbid, speak positively about any Trump comment. It is truly hysterical how they reinforce the foudation of being accused as the leader in "fake news".....95% of their "news" is opinion based on weak facts.

* -- I see nothing wrong with what OUR President said....But I am totally sick of our "unbiased" news agencies running off at the mouth over nothing trying to put OUR president in a bad light.

* -- That’s Why We Elected Trump. He's God Fearing and Directed with a true Moral Compass. Unlike the Left who follows the devil’s lead.

* -- This is called ‘taking things out of context’. Is this also the way Cillizza reads his Bible? He needs to practice using the whole story. CNN has a problem.....their hatred for President Donald Trump. They need to watch some of Billy Graham’s messages on repentance. What’s that quote ‘if you don’t love your brother, then you don’t love God ‘. CNN and their reporters need to try loving their ‘brother’ President Donald Trump. He may not do things their way but he’s trying to do things God’s way. I truly believe that God chose him to be our President and to do His will.

* -- Only a person of envy , because he cannot reach up high enough to touch the president’s shoe tops even if he were 7' tall because no matter what he does he will always be a little man

* -- Disgusting! Another nail in CNN's coffin. CNN itself is very offensive. These days it seems that anyone or anything that anybody is offended by needs to be torn down and erased from history. CNN, I guess its time to say goodbye. You won't be missed!

* -- Cillizza is so full of hate he would not recognize statesmanship if he saw it. Most English writing professors would agree that stating the same idea in a different way than others is a good thing.

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One last thing: The above comments were taken in their exact order from a long string. I neither added nor deleted a one. Now you know why CNN is no longer credible with many of the American people.
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