Impeach Trump? Careful What You Wish For

  • Friday, August 24, 2018

In the rush and fervor to impeach President Donald Trump, Democrats should look over their collective shoulder. One might reconcile with the devil they know instead of the devil they do not.

What happens if Trump is impeached and removed from office? An even more aggressive conservative is waiting the wings who will make President Trump seem like a panty-waisted beginner. Vice-President Pence will assume office for the remaining term and then elected for a subsequent term. Untold conservatives voted for Trump hoping Mike Pence would eventually take the reins.

America knew Donald Trump. Was there any doubt of his ethics, morals or antics? Still the need to suppress Hillary Clinton was tantamount. And for the same amount of time liberals have attempted to oust President Trump, every conceivable stone seeking documentation of embarrassing acts or traits in the current vice-president have revealed absolutely nothing.

You think Donald Trump’s agenda rubbed liberals the wrong way? Mike Pence is an outspoken believer in the conservative agenda, and unlike his current boss is overwhelmingly familiar with the minutia that goes on inside the beltway. As perfect a lieutenant Pence has been for Donald Trump, given a free hand Mike Pence’s plans will make current political status quo pale in comparison.

As much as Trump wants a wall, Pence wants it more. Immigration restraints? Pence is champing at the bit. America first? Mike Pence is unswervingly dedicated to it being first, last and always. DACA, sanctuary cities, regulation reduction, North Korea, infrastructure, Obamacare, welfare reform, Iran…are all on Mike Pence’s to-do list.

Mike Pence is mistakenly assumed to be a pussy cat because of his soft-spoken manner. But Mr. Pence has a wealth of knowledge, experience and drive Trump could only wish for. He is motivated, hard-nosed and unflinching. He doesn’t lose eye-contact, doesn’t twitter, keeps his eye on the ball and has proven himself in Congress to be a stunning foe. Get him in the Oval Office and Democrats will wish they had never uttered the words impeachment.

Be my guest, impeach Donald Trump. Because if it is your dream to cripple conservative thought by ridding yourselves of the man who beat back Hillary Clinton, conservatives and Republicans will become galvanized under Mike Pence with a strength you cannot imagine. Then the odds of Mike Pence being elected to a subsequent elected term are very good, because he will be the devil we know.

Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

Dave Fihn


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