Chattanooga Man Pleads Guilty To Lesser Charge In Rape Case

  • Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Jamarko Langston
Jamarko Langston

A man charged with rape in connection with an incident after a Mother's Day party has been allowed to plead guilty to a lesser charge.

Jamarko Langston, who was 28 at the time of the 2020 incident, received a four-year sentence that was suspended.

A charge of false imprisonment was dismissed.

A woman who was at the party said her son brought a man she had not previously met (Langston). She said she began to feel intoxicated and she got into the shower as she usually does when she has too much to drink.

She said she was unaware that everyone had left the house except for the man her son had brought. She said he accosted her in the shower and forced himself on her.

The woman said she was finally able to get away and she ran toward her neighbor's house. She said she fell, hurting her knee and elbow, while running.

She was later able to pick Langston out of a photo lineup.

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