Stop With The Expensive Studies On Reviving Passenger Rail Service - And Response

  • Sunday, December 10, 2023

Over the last 20 years or so, there have been several studies, both formal and informal, that have occurred regarding rail service of some type through our city and onward to Atlanta. Each time the estimates have come back, it was exponentially more than expected.

It's silly to think we (as a country, state or local community) are going to invest the billions it would take to put in high-speed rail service to link major cities in the South.

I'd rather they save the money they use to "study" something we all know won't happen, and not sure too many people would be happy, if it did happen.

In the future, don't waste the money on these useless inquiries that's only going to confirm something we already know that it's too expensive. Invest it on something we'll actually follow through with in our city.

Gary Carter

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If rail service through Chattanooga was such a good idea, the rails would already continue to run and it would be a viable business.

Mark Rigby

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