What's Good For The Gander

  • Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Hillary Chabot is a reporter for the Boston Herald. You won’t hear her name on national reports, but you will hear repeatedly about George Santos on MSNBC (M Cohen 1/23/23) claiming he lied about his ethnicity; NPR (B Sprunt 1/31/23) questioning his resume; The Washington Post’s deep
concern over what sports Santos played (Azi Paybarah 1/11/23). All have in common demands he be expelled from Congress.

In 2012, Chabot detailed Sen Elizabeth Warren’s claim of Native heritage and Harvard’s claim she was a minority hire. Warren also listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools directory of law professors from 1986-1995. (Boston Herald, H Chabot 1/16/20) as well as other places.

Demands are almost daily now for the Republican Santos to be ousted from Congress, even before a House Ethics panel can investigate. Interestingly, NPR once did a piece entitled, “The Race Shifting of Pretendians”(2/23/22). Warren was barely mentioned and there were no calls for her expulsion for what she did for many years.

So why hasn’t Liz received the Santos treatment? What’s good for the gander is good for the goose, even one who cooks her own and provides a “cookbook” with recipes: Pow Wow Chow-Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee, 1984 (Daily Mail 5/19/12).

Ralph Miller

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