Jerry Summers: The 7 Generations

  • Thursday, March 30, 2023
  • Jerry Summers
Jerry Summers
Jerry Summers

A review of the seven generations of America born from 1901-2023 is revealing:

  • 1. “Greatest Generation (1901-1924): It was known for its members “working to change the system that included World War I. The number of survivors between the ages of 99-123 is diminishing daily;
  • 2. Silent Generation (1925-1945): This era was known for “working with the system” and has been described as creating many of the multi-billionaires of today such as Warren Buffet.

    The veterans of World War II received education opportunities under the G.I. Bill and the slow march to eventually eliminate the segregation of races that could no longer be ignored completely because of the excellent war contributions of African-American troops;

  • 3. Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964): The return of veterans from World War II produced an opportunity to raise families, secure college educations, home ownership, and other benefits previously not available or by increasing benefits of those already in existence. The “graying” of this generation has also resulted in increased pressure on financial and social entitlement programs created in this time period;
  • 4. Generation X (1965-1979): In the period between Baby Boomers and Millennials, Gen X individuals were born in this era that shifted societal and cultural changes that were started by the after effects of World War II that were becoming more prominent. Many more women were working, technology was rapidly changing and unfortunately divorce was on the rise;
  • 5. Millennial Generation (1980-1994): This period of time has often been described as being transitional from Gen X, particularly in the expanded use of technology in which the prior generation would use both navigation tools or hard copy maps to get to a location. The Millennials may rely completely on technology, which might create a problem if the complete reliance on equipment resulted in a failure;
  • 6. Generation Z (1995-2012): Individuals born during this era include the oldest being 27-28 out of college getting married and starting a family. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, members of Gen Z face a more uncertain future than those born in previous generations;
  • 7. Gen Alpha (2013-2025): The last “generation” category is alleged to have been created by a generational researcher in Australia who runs a consulting agency;

It is predicted by some that it will be the “most racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse generation yet!”

(The historical evaluation of the prior generations and the predictability as to success in the future is beyond the scope of this article).

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