Chattanooga Photographer Earns Awards At Oregon Professional Photographers Association Open Competition

  • Thursday, February 22, 2024
Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird

Betsy Bird, the photographer behind Ride the Sky Equine Photography, has secured wins at the Oregon Professional Photographers Association Annual Open Competition. She said her achievements reinforce not only her commitment to her craft but also the equestrian and pet communities in Chattanooga.

Ms. Bird won the Best First Time Entrant award. Her image titled "The Mane Attraction" garnered the Element Award for Creativity, for her ability to capture the essence of her subjects in a distinctive and imaginative way. She also earned the 4 for 4 Pin Achievement, a recognition bestowed upon photographers who earn merits for all four of their submitted images.

All of Ms. Bird's award-winning images feature horses and dogs local to the east Tennessee and north Georgia area.


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