Upcoming Road Closings Announced

  • Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Here are upcoming road closings:

600 N Terrace Road
The 600 block of N Terrace Road will be closed Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 9 p.m. for an estimated three hours for utility work. All traffic will be detoured around the closure. 

8600 Petty Road
Petty Road will be closed between the two entrances of Stone Crest Road from Thursday, Feb. 29, through Tuesday, March 5, for sewer repair.  All traffic will be detoured via Stone Crest Road.

Major Traffic Impact Scheduled - Georgia Avenue/Veteran's Bridge

Control Burn of Maclellan Island

Audobon Acres has given the City of Chattanooga the required advance notice of the intention to conduct a control burn of Maclellan Island on Tuesday, March 5, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. This will require the following on Veterans Memorial Bridge between E 4th Street and Frazier Avenue:

  • Full closure to all pedestrians
  • Full closure to all bicycles or motorized personal vehicles
  • Reduction of all traffic lanes to one southbound and one northbound
  • No stopping will be permitted on the bridge
This closure is weather-dependent and may change up to the date of the burn.  Additional confirmation of the intention to move forward will be given 24 hours before the scheduled closure.

The City of Chattanooga in coordination with Talley Construction are taking advantage of favorable weather conditions to complete the following paving projects as part of the 2023-2024 Resurfacing Plan.  No full closures are expected, but delays may be experienced as temporary flagging around single-lane closures are implemented. Portions of the following roadways will see paving and resurfacing work for the week of Tuesday, Feb. 27, through Friday, March 1: 

Shelby Circle
Lake Resort Terrace
Bunker Hill Road
Thelmeta Avenue
King Arthur Road

Paving on sections of the following roadways were completed the week of February 19th:

Queen Aire Lane
Queen Ann Lane
Queen Mary Lane
Baskette Way
Engel Avenue
Ozark Circle

View CDOT's map of events and road closures for full details of these activities and other projects underway in our public space.

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