Upcoming City Council Agenda For Tuesday

  • Friday, April 12, 2024

Here is the upcoming City Council agenda for Tuesday:

I. Call to Order by Chair Dotley.

II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Smith).

III. Special Presentations.

IV. Minute Approval.

V. Discussion of Agenda.

? Next Week’s Proposed Agenda Items

? Purchasing Questions

? Future Considerations (3 Week Look Ahead)

VI. Committee or Department Reports:

? Library Update

? Social & Economic Equity Study Presentation by Dr.


? Parks & Public Works Committee RECESS

Order of Business for City Council
Council Election of Officers

VII. Ordinances – Final Reading: PLANNING

a. 2024-0043 Stone Creek Consulting c/o Allen Jones (M-3 Warehouse and Wholesale Zone and R-2 Residential Zone to C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone part of a property located at 2815 Cummings Highway, from M-3 Warehouse and Wholesale Zone and R-2 Residential Zone to C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 1) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and Staff)
b. 2024-0023 Iron Horse Properties TN, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone part of a property located at 6745 Customer Delight Drive, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 6) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and denial by Staff) (Deferred from 03-12-2024) (Planning Version #2)

c. 2024-0045 Chattanooga Christian School (M-1 Manufacturing Zone to O-1 Office
Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone part of a property located at 3354 Charger Drive, from M-1 Manufacturing Zone to O-1 Office Zone. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and Staff)

VIII. Ordinances – First Reading: PLANNING

a. 2024-0038 Psalm 91 Land, LLC (R-2 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General CommercialZone). AnordinancetoamendChattanoogaCityCode,PartII,Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 4118 Dodds Avenue, from R-2 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General Commercial Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and Staff) (Deferred from 04-09-2024)
2024-0038 Psalm 91 Land, LLC (R-2 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General CommercialZone). AnordinancetoamendChattanoogaCityCode,PartII,Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 4118 Dodds Avenue, from R-2 Residential Zone to C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone. (Applicant Version) (Recommended for denial by Planning Commission and Staff)

b. 2024-0044 Maple Leaf Real Company (U-RD-2 Urban Residential Detached Zone to U-RA-3 Urban Residential Attached Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 1650 Madison Street, from U-RD-2 Urban Residential Detached Zone to U-RA-3 Urban Residential Attached Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and Staff) (Deferred from 04-09-2024) 2024-0044 Maple Leaf Real Company (U-RD-2 Urban Residential Detached Zone to U-RA-3 Urban Residential Attached Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 1650 Madison Street, from U-RD-2 Urban Residential Detached Zone to U-RA-3 Urban Residential Attached Zone. (Applicant Version)

c. 2024-0030 Niles Surveying Company (R-1 Residential Zone to R-2 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 2608 Dodson Avenue, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-2 Residential Zone. (District 9) (Applicant Version) (Recommended for denial by Planning Commission and Staff) (Deferred from 04-09-2024)


d. MR-2024-0040 Zach Buecker (Abandonment). An ordinance closing and abandoning the unopened right-of-way in the 300 block of Tucker Street, as detailed on the attached maps. (District 2) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and denial by Public Works)

IX. Resolutions.


a. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with LifeSpring Community Health to support the goals of the City of Chattanooga’s Care Coalition to address health disparities in Chattanooga by providing mental health services, for an amount not to exceed $35,000.00.

b. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with Sista RN & Friends to support the goals of the City of Chattanooga’s Care Coalition to address health disparities in Chattanooga by providing mental health online coaching, for an amount not to exceed $19,500.00.

c. A resolution to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with (1) Greenspaces, for an amount not to exceed $2,788,741.40; (2) Conservation Legacy’s Southeast Conservation Corp., for an amount not to exceed $981,000.00; and (3) University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technology Lab, for an amount not to exceed $200,685.38, through the Inflation Reduction Act – Urban and Community Forestry Grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program, to support tree planting, job training, removal of invasive species, watershed protection, urban forestry monitoring, and
equitable expansion of tree canopy in disadvantaged communities designated by the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, for a total amount not to exceed $3,970,426.78.


d. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public Works to execute the Consent to Assignment of all purchase orders for Vendor No. 872751, Geoservices, LLC, to UES Professional Solutions 19, LLC, relative to the following purchase orders: On-Call blanket contract(s) for geo-environmental consulting and construction materials testing services, Contract No. E-21-002-301, Purchase Agreement No. 561823, and continuing environmental consulting services for asbestos, lead, indoor air quality, and other environmental assessments, Contract No. E-23-014-301, Purchase Agreement No. 100604; and Purchase Order No. 133206 (1) for Glenwood parking improvements; (2) Purchase Order No. 133146 for Fire Station No. 10 concrete repairs; and (3) Purchase Order No. 104363 for Greenway Farms sidewalks.


e. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Wastewater Department to award Contract No. W-21-010-201, Highland Park Pump Station Improvements Project, to J. Brennon Construction, of Dalton, GA, for pump station improvements at Highland Park Pump Station, in the amount of $3,389,811.84, with a contingency in the amount of $338,931.00, for a total amount of $3,728,742.84. (District 8) (Consent Decree)

f. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Wastewater Department to approve Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 with SAK Construction, LLC, of O’Fallon, IL, for Contract No. W-18-013-201, South Chickamauga Basins 2-4 Interceptor Rehab, to increase by $8,254,431.00 due to additional CCTV/Sonar Services, delays due to the CSX RR Encroachment Agreement, and the addition of 2,293 linear feet of CIPP lining, for a revised amount of $31,225,617.95, with a contingency in the amount of $480,439.00, for a total amount of $31,706,056.95. (Consent Decree)

X. Purchases.

XI. Committee Reports.

XII. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council.

XIII. Adjournment.

1. Call to Order by Chair Dotley.

2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Ledford).

3. Special Presentations.

4. Minute Approval.

5. Discussion of Agenda.

? Next Week’s Proposed Agenda Items

? Purchasing Questions

? Future Considerations (3 Week Look Ahead)

6. Committee or Department Reports:

? Community Foundation EPI Presentation


Order of Business for City Council 7. Ordinances - Final Reading:


a. 2024-0038 Psalm 91 Land, LLC (R-2 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General CommercialZone). AnordinancetoamendChattanoogaCityCode,PartII,Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 4118 Dodds Avenue, from R-2 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General Commercial Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and Staff) (Deferred from 04-09-2024)
2024-0038 Psalm 91 Land, LLC (R-2 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General CommercialZone). AnordinancetoamendChattanoogaCityCode,PartII,Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 4118 Dodds Avenue, from R-2 Residential Zone to C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone. (Applicant Version) (Recommended for denial by Planning Commission and Staff)
b. 2024-0044 Maple Leaf Real Company (U-RD-2 Urban Residential Detached Zone to U-RA-3 Urban Residential Attached Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 1650 Madison Street, from U-RD-2 Urban Residential Detached Zone to U-RA-3 Urban Residential Attached Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and Staff) (Deferred from 04-09-2024)
2024-0044 Maple Leaf Real Company (U-RD-2 Urban Residential Detached Zone to U-RA-3 Urban Residential Attached Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 1650 Madison Street, from U-RD-2 Urban Residential Detached Zone to U-RA-3 Urban Residential Attached Zone. (Applicant Version)

c. 2024-0030 Niles Surveying Company (R-1 Residential Zone to R-2 Residential
Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 2608 Dodson Avenue, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-2 Residential Zone. (District 9) (Applicant Version) (Recommended for denial by Planning Commission and Staff) (Deferred from 04-09-2024)


d. MR-2024-0040 Zach Buecker (Abandonment). An ordinance closing and abandoning the unopened right-of-way in the 300 block of Tucker Street, as detailed on the attached maps. (District 2) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and denial by Public Works)

8. Ordinances - First Reading: FINANCE

a. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 13991, also known as “the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operations Budget,” for the City of Chattanooga to transfer the Fiscal Year 2024 net surplus funds from the sale of City of Chattanooga delinquent tax parcels in the Hamilton County surplus property sale to the Chattanooga Land Bank Authority.

b. 2024-0039 Zach Buecker (R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 313 Tremont Street, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 2) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and denial by Staff) (Deferred from 04-09-2024)
2024-0039 Zach Buecker (R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 313 Tremont Street, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone. (Applicant Version)

9. Resolutions:


a. A resolution authorizing the Mayor his designee to enter into a Second Agreement to Exercise Option to Renew with Bessie Smith Cultural Center, in substantially the form attached, for an additional term of five (5) years, with the term being through June 30, 2029.


b. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s appointment of Alex Reyland to the Form-Based Code Committee, for a term beginning on April 24, 2024, and ending on April 23, 2027.

10. Purchases.

11. Committee Reports.

12. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council.

13. Adjournment.

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