Not The Davis Lundy We Know - And Response

  • Monday, April 15, 2024

I have known Davis Lundy for a couple of decades, through working with him in the political world. I got to see him on a personal, as well as a professional level, for those many years. Davis was a great writer for the local newspaper and switched over to politics in the mid nineties.

During that time I never saw him exhibit the behaviors he has exhibited in the past few years and I am convinced it is the alcohol consumption that has led him down his recent downward spiral, not the weed or CBD.

A lot of people are quick to kick a man when he is down but few articulate understanding and forgiveness. In the book of Luke 6:37 it says: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

I would like our community to not judge Davis solely on the past few years, but if you get a chance to see him or write to him, lift him up during this time.

This is not the Davis Lundy many of us is a man trapped in unfortunate circumstances that many have experienced themselves.

I'm not overlooking or even condoning the recent baseball bat incident, but I just honestly feel it was the alcohol.

I would ask that you pray for Davis at this time.

Rick Tucker

* * *

If there is one thing that really troubles me it’s reading opinion where facts are either wrong or facts are not regarded. Rick Tucker’s letter regarding Davis Lundy is right on target. Thank you, Rick.

I met with Davis Lundy about three months ago and we talked for almost an hour. Mr. Lundy has been a true asset to this city, county and state for many years. He is a brilliant writer and has guided many public servants to the path of election.

As a faith based society, we seem to be the first to shoot our brothers and sisters if their behavior is not normal. Mr. Tucker hit the nail on the head. We need to pray for Davis Lundy, as I truly believe God is not finished using him. I believe his identity changed as his life changed when he retired from the profession that had been such a large part of his life. Perhaps that caused him to try and self medicate his loss.

All I can say is that I have forever loved and respected Davis Lundy. The sin is not in falling, rather that of not getting up. Even if you don’t know Davis, God does and we can all pray for his recovery.

Again, thank you Rick Tucker for seeing truth and reaching out to support and help our friend. I’m 100 percent with you.

J. Pat Williams

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