Illegal Deportations Or End Student And Tourist Visas

  • Monday, April 22, 2024

Since several countries who are allowing (or sending) their citizens to illegally enter the United States, refuse to allow their return. Why does the U.S. allow this? If a country refused to take back the criminals who illegally entered the U.S., then every tourist and student visa for those countries should be cancelled immediately no new ones allowed until all the deportations are allowed.

I understand that may not be fair for individuals from those countries, but what their countries are doing to the U.S. is not fair. Do they support that? Have they denounced their government? Stand up or leave if they are citizens or countries that work to hurt the U.S. by allowing or sending their gang members, criminals and corporate/government spies. It may be a hard choice to turn your back on the country you are from, but you can either fight against those governments or denounce them. The U.S. continuing to support them with student and tourist visas just encourages more illegal entries of people, most of who are not families, but are military age men.

And anyone who comes into the U.S. illegally from Mexico or Canada must be allowed to be deported back into those countries no matter where they are from. Mexico even gives “transit visas” and other aid to criminals and identified Venezuelan gang members. Tariffs should be raised (multiple times as necessary) against Mexican goods until such time as they stop the aid of illegal entries.

Jim Hill

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