Tragedy On Snow Hill Road - And Response (3)

  • Friday, September 20, 2024

Too little too late to help the young man that was killed in an accident on Thursday. It is so sad. No matter all the circumstances or anything else, he will be greatly missed by his loved ones.

The time has come to call all of the Hamilton County commissioners and demand that this road be straightened and widened. The entire length of the road, from the high school all the way to Shirley Bridge, has been developed and raped. Use all of the taxes from these developments to fix the road that our mayor and County Commissioner Steve Highlander said, "was okay for a horse and wagon," or something to that effect.

Speeders and tailgaters abound. Put the sheriff to work out here and issue tickets. Not for one or two days. Put them in other places besides Fairview Church. One problem with issuing tickets is that there is nowhere to pull over to give the ticket. Ergo the problem.

Let's get behind this movement. Call the commissioners and call the sheriff.

Our prayers for this family.

Ernie McCarson

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Ernie Carson is correct. Students from Ooltewah have been dying on Snowhill Road for years.

Many years ago the road was so rough and full of potholes that you had to drive slowly. The only improvement has been to smooth the road, which has steadily increased the speed on the road.

The number of houses being built has created a deadly combination. I have lost students, players, and friends since 1978. It's time to straighten, widen, and level Snowhill Rd.

The renovations made to Ooltewah-Georgetown Road in the 70's are what is needed for Snowhill Road. How many must die?

David E. Gamble

Cleveland, Tn.

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This accident is under investigation and the loss of life is something we will not forget. Yes, Snow Hill Road is dangerous; however, teaching the students to drive defensively is also important. Also, Chattanoogans must learn to drive safely on roads like Snow Hill Road. Remember, not all roads are freeways or divided highways. It is not reasonable to have police on the road continually; however, routine patrols during high usually hours will reduce speeding.

The bigger problem: giving 16-year-olds a driver's license with proof of driving experience is ludicrous. The state DOT and highway patrol should require students 250 hours of documented behind the wheel driving experience. Thirty hours of that should be at night, hours of darkness, and 10 hours dedicated to inclement weather, such as rain, snow or fog. The parents are responsible for their child and can certify the behind the wheel experience. This documentation would be presented when the young man/woman arrives to take their driving test.

Robert Wilson

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It's time to fix this road. Guardrails will be nice but until they slow people down, there will continue to be deaths. The two curves by the Grey Dove and past Thunder Farms need to be straightened out. People drive 50 MPH through these curves daily and there are people pulling out of neighborhoods scared for their life.

The next tragedy will be a car going into one of those homes by the Dove. It had already happened numerous times before they built the new subdivision.

There have already been 28 accidents on this road this year and the year is not over. Do not let this go away. Mr. Wamp needs to do something now before another family has to endure what this family is today.

It's really sad money comes before life but that is what we do as a nation.

Randy Saunders

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