Diana Walters: A Boomer's Ruminations - Keepin' On

  • Wednesday, September 4, 2024
  • Diana Walters
Diana Walters
Diana Walters
In my 25+ years working with older adults, one of the things I’ve learned is that we need a purpose to keep on keepin’ on. People who don’t see a reason to get out of bed in the morning often don’t. And that’s the beginning of the end.

Our purpose doesn’t have to be a huge thing. It only has to be meaningful to oneself. “I need to water my garden,” or “I need to babysit for my neighbor,” or “I need to crochet a gift for my friend’s birthday,” or “I need to encourage a church member,” or “I’m writing my life story to pass down to my family.”

Perhaps your purpose is to visit a nursing home or assisted living to help someone else find a reason to get out of bed.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, volunteering to help someone in need is one of the most worthwhile activities we can do in our retirement years.

Most care facilities are begging for volunteers. And you can usually choose what kind of volunteer work you want to do. I lead a group where we pray, have a devotional, and chat about a “topic of the day,” although we usually veer off subject. I’m okay with that—whatever the residents choose to share is fine with me as long as they don’t criticize anyone or talk politics.

You can also choose the days and times you volunteer. I do my group weekly. One church group goes twice monthly.

Activities you could do include: Entertaining; teaching a craft; holding a book club; leading a Bible study; or simply talking to residents. You can offer to help with parties, call bingo, paint nails, lead exercise, or hold a coffee and conversation group. Let the activity or life enrichment director know what you prefer to do and the times you’re available. Or if you don’t have a preference, ask them where and when you are needed.

If you don’t want to work with older adults, there are hundreds of other volunteer opportunities. You could work with kids, with animals, volunteer with hospice, help at museums, do something indoors or do something outdoors. If you search “Chattanooga volunteer opportunities,” you’ll find many places to serve locally. You’ll find similar opportunities if you live elsewhere.

Many of you are already involved in church work or informal volunteering—helping the neighbor, watching your grandkids, organizing fund raisers for needy causes. Good for you! And some of you are caregivers for a family member. You may not have the physical or emotional reserves to do anything else right now. Caregiving is your purpose. Some of you are still working and that’s your primary purpose, but remember, when you do retire, you shouldn’t retire from life.

Whatever our age or physical condition, we can live purpose-filled lives. If you are bedridden, ask for a church prayer list and commit to praying daily. If you are wheelchair-bound, you can call people to encourage them or make and send cards to shut-ins. If work and family consume all your time, you can still offer someone an encouraging word.

Don’t allow the life you’ve been given to simply fade away. Find something meaningful to do with your time on this earth. When you make a difference to even one person, you will feel energized.

And you will be glad to get out of bed in the morning.

Diana Walters retired from paid employment at age 76. Now 77, she is again working half-time, volunteering, writing, and spending time with her husband. She believes we all need a purpose to get up every day and not having one is the downfall of many a senior. One of Diana’s purposes is working on this weekly column. She enjoys hearing from readers and can be reached at dianalwalters@comcast.net.
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