An open letter to Governor Lee and our state representatives:
I cannot support a school voucher system as currently proposed because it can give additional public tax dollars to non-public schools. I can support a potentially fair and workable universal school voucher system as proposed below:
All currently acceptable education techniques qualify and can be an option for parent or guardian selection—public, private, charter, and home schools.
An approved dollar amount per pupil is established and funded by the state, much like what is done now. Local government and/or parents, guardians, or other interested parties can supplement that amount as they are inclined.
One half of the annual allocated amount per registered student will be paid directly to the educator of record (including public schools) at day 20 of the established school year.
All students are required to take the state approved, independently administered, monitored and graded, one-day, standardized grade-level-specific proficiency exam at a neutral site at the end of the school year.
A passing score of at least 70 percent in each tested subject is required for promotion to the next grade and receipt of the second half of the funded per pupil amount.
A score below 70 percent requires grade retention and/or remedial instruction and retesting and failure to receive the remaining funding.
This should put all students and taxpayers on an equal tax-based-funding standing while offering choices, as well as competition, among education providers. Parents or guardians are free to make choices among the available education opportunities as they determine what is best for their child and their circumstances.
Free market competition leads to superior results. I expect that to be the same for our education system.
David Torbett