Hypocritical Censorship Of The Bible - And Response (4)

  • Monday, April 20, 2015

Dear Senators Kelsey and Niceley: 

Last week's censorship of recognizing the Bible as our state book, shows the hypocrisy of promoting unAmerican philosophies while getting rid of the Bible and its historical significance as well as its bringing God's blessings upon the state. 

Let me once more reiterate the absolute favoritism in religion toward the Roman Catholic Church - a religion, when they instituted the ladybug as our state bug to honor the "Virgin Mary."  Where was the outrage against violation of the separation of church and state - where were the protests and the blazing articles warning about lawsuits - no trembling senators or reps dreading being sued or looking to be classified as right-wing? No problem. 

No problem when the governor and director of the Department of Safety honors the Muslims by joining in with the Muslim Advisory Council and denouncing "discrimination" against this enemy who has openly declared they want to destroy us. 

Furthermore, in 1993, as reporters for the Chattanooga Times/Free Press coverage of the World Parliament of Religions, Palmer Hilton Hotel in Chicago, we featured in two half-page articles in the Religious Section of the paper, the entire religious move of world religions against the Bible and our heritage.

One of the outstanding moves by the religions of the world included the establishment of Earth Day, a religious ceremony to honor the Earth, ecology and commemorate the unity of world religions.  

Thus the school children and calendars accepted without hesitation this religious establishment and there was no outcry of "separation of church and state."  Earth Day was a total product of the World Parliament of Religions.  We attended the workshops and have the tapes of sessions which instituted this "Religious Day." It came to pass nationally.  No problem with school involvement with religion.

The battle is against the Bible because the other cultures are vanity and lies. The Bible is not a religion but is the Christian ideology of the people of the United States. It is the virtual ark of the covenant containing the applied promises of God to the people of the United States. Religion is a codified system of priestcraft; the Bible is not such a system. It is the book of truth and must be recognized as such or God will curse us. He is separating the Christians from the compromisers and those who  compromise our heritage and the true and living God will perish. But those who "do know their God will do exploits." Revelation 3 plainly states that those who are "lukewarm," the Lord will spit us out of His mouth, in that they make Him sick.

It is time to hold this book up as our state book, 'they who honor God, him will He honor." Let this state be as in my prayer of Feb. 3 before the Tennessee Senate, be the leading one to lead our nation back to God. This will come to pass; woe to them that oppose it. Deut. 28: 15-end. 

One further warning: It is time to get close to the God of our fathers. Google the Chinese Army - No. 1 Keeper of the Peace - and see the huge military uprising among the Chinese Communists. While we have had insider Communists and their operatives trying to make us deny the Saviour, China has been militarizing their entire nation against us under the United Nations. They are dedicated and in the vernacular of the scriptures, are like the "sand of the sea for multitude." We need the arm of God as never before. The Muslim terrorists are a piece of cake compared with this Chinese Army who, while our country was being taunted by those who hate the military, have been busy building up huge armaments to take over the world. We must not allow treaties or "deals" to rob us of our defenses, including the Y12 Plant in Oak Ridge, and its ability to stay the hand of those determined to destroy the United States. Remember that the Chinese have their tin god, their 'mind over matter,' and they are truly dedicated to it and its Buddhistic, wholistic priestcraft. They have an unnumbered multitude of armies and militant populace but, if we will repent, we have the covenant of the God of the Bible:  II Chron. 7:14. It will take such a pure and holy people to overcome what we face. But if we shrink to take a stand for Him, He will destroy us. God forbid. 

June Griffin 

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The Bible is not in need of the approval of politicians. To declare it the "Book of Tennessee" is to open up a can of worms that the ACLU will take advantage of for a court battle. The Bible doesn't need to be dragged through the courts to permit judges to determine its worth. Time itself has more than authenticated its value over any to her religious document.   I hardly think the Constitution protects a religious book or writing as the official book of a State or of the United States.  This is a false issue over which Mrs. Griffin wants to make an issue, and it is not the same as Freedom of Religion, which is protected by our nation's founding document.  I wouldn't want the Book of Mormon or the Koran to attempt to occupy that place, and I am sure there is no legal precedent for declaring the Bible to be such either. 

 "The Bible stands like a rock undaunted, 'Mid the raging storms of time; its pages burn with the truth eternal, and the glow with a light sublime. The Bible stands like a mountain towering far above the works of men; its truth by none ever was refuted, and destroy it they never can. The Bible stands, and it will forever, when the world has passed away; by in-spi-ra-tion it has been given, and its precepts I will obey. The Bible stands tho' the hills may tumble; it will firmly stand when the earth shall crumble; I will plant my feet on its firm foundation, for THE BIBLE STANDS." (Haldor Lillenas). 

James West

* * *

I see June Griffin’s rant regarding the establishment of the Bible as the official state book as the establishment of a state religion. This is a very slippery slope. In more cases than anyone would care to remember, the establishment of state religions is followed by prejudice, ethnic purging and worse.

  I abhor proselytization. It’s not enough there is a church on every street corner here in the South, but Christians should remember the slaughter and death the Church financed and advocated over 200 years of attempts at establishing a global religion. It is estimated that the crusades caused more deaths than all other wars since. Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, just to name a few, should give you pause when you impose your religious beliefs on others.

  Ms. Griffin, you have the freedom of expression, which you exercised in your op-ed. But with that freedom comes the responsibility of being held accountable for said expression. No one is attempting the stifle your faith or your ability to worship in your own way or time. But attempting to make the Bible, or any sacred script, the official book (i.e., religion) of Tennessee is the worst form of proselytization. Will you go to war because others are not of your faith? The Church did it many times during the Middle Ages and it seems as if you’re treading (read: trampling) that same slope.

  Be satisfied you live in a country that supports your right to worship as you please; climb down from your soap box; stop chastising government officials for doing their sworn duty (separation of Church and State) and stop proselytizing. Tennessee is a state of many faiths. None should have sway over another.

David Fihn


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"...God will curse us. He is separating the Christians from the compromisers and those who  compromise our heritage and the true and living God will perish. But those who 'do know their God will do exploits.' Revelation 3 plainly states that those who are 'lukewarm,' the Lord will spit us out of His mouth, in that they make Him sick." 

You've already made me "sick."   Rants like this give Christianity a bad name. 

Steve Campbell 

* * *  

June Griffin has made another tirade, this time against the supposed censorship of the Bible.  I don't think she knows what censorship is. Certainly she has never lived where there was real censorship. I doubt if she ever had to keep her bible hidden in a secret compartment under the floor. 

She asks where was the outrage when the ladybug was made state insect? I didn't know it was in honor of the Virgin Mary, or I would have protested. 

Ms. Griffin, and many others, need to realize that freedom of religion means freedom for all  If anyone is discriminated against for his or her religion, there is freedom for none. God created mankind with freedom of choice, even the freedom to make bad choices,  That freedom of choice is the fundamental doctrine of Christianity. Without it Jesus would not have had to come and die. 

John L. Odom

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