President Trump Says In Tweet He Backs Bill Hagerty For U.S. Senator In Tennessee

  • Friday, July 12, 2019

President Donald Trump on Friday tweeted that Bill Hagerty, the current U.S. ambassador to Japan, is his choice for U.S. Senator in Tennessee.

He said, "Tennessee loving Bill Hagerty, who was my Tennessee Victoy Chair and is now the very outstanding Ambassador to Japan, will be running for the U.S.

Senate. He is strong on crime, borders & our 2nd A. Loves our Military & our Vets. Has my Complete & Total Endorsement!"

The tweet was later taken down.

Ambassador Hagerty ran the Trump campaign in Tennessee. 

Hagerty ran the Trump campaign in Tennessee before being appointed ambassador after the election.

The Nashville native was a private equity investor who has been involved in a number of political campaigns.

U.S. Rep. Mark Green and former Gov. Bill Haslam both side on Thursday they do not plan to run.

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