Complaint Filed About Rhonda Thurman Stance On Small Businesses Being Shut Down; She Fires Back; Hamilton United Says It Was Not From Them

  • Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A complaint was filed against school board member Rhonda Thurman's statements on shutting down small businesses due to the coronavirus. 

Ms. Thurman said it came from the group Hamilton United. Kendra Young, leader of the group, denied that it was. She said, "It appears the image Ms. Thurman has been sharing online is missing both the sender’s name and a signature line. If either of these items were visible, you would not see Hamilton County United, nor any teacher who considers themselves part of HCU (or any teacher's name at all, in fact), included in any way. Ms. Thurman has merely assumed that teachers are responsible for the complaint, which is in fact, not the case."

The letter to Supt. Bryan Johnson and other members of the School Board said Ms. Thurman expressed displeasure about her beauty salon on Highway 58 being closed.

It quoted her as saying, "I am going to give this two more weeks and then those who want to work should be allowed to work."

It quotes her as saying, "After two weeks, Americans should remember the government cannot do anything without the consent of the governed." 

The group said her statements move beyond expressing opinion and calling for others to disobey orders relating to efforts to curb the coronavirus.

Ms. Thurman responded, "Just wanted to share the latest from Hamilton County United. Seems they think they can squelch my First Amendment rights by writing a complaint to the School Board and the Superintendent. This shows how little they know about how the School Board functions.

"First of all, I don't answer to the Superintendent. The Superintendent answers to the School Board. Second, what do they think the School Board is going to do to me for expressing my opinion about anything?

"This complaint, besides being ridiculous, is rift with inaccuracies. My Facebook post on April 1 said, "Have you noticed the people who tell you that you cannot work have not missed a paycheck?" Is that statement in error? I was not complaining about just my being unable to work (as I told these liberals on Facebook, everything my husband and I have is paid for so, I will be fine.) It is not about me but, the millions of others who are unable to work and are losing their businesses and small business is the engine that runs this country.

"I said that small business would go about two more weeks and then those who want to work should be allowed to work. Well, guess what? It has not been one week since my original Facebook post and President Trump is talking about letting small businesses open back up! There is also a Town Hall article, April 5, 2020, 12:01 AM, titled, "I'm Mad as Hell, and I'm Not Going to Take This Anymore" by Wayne Allyn Root. This article could have been written by me. Mr. Root says, those who want to work should be allowed to work with face masks restrictions, and those who want to stay home, should at home. Exactly what I said.

"This bunch also has a problem with me quoting Thomas Jefferson from a sentence in the Declaration of Independence. I said, "Americans should remember that " the government cannot do anything without 'the consent of the goverened." It tells you all you need to know about this bunch that they found this sentence radical. I bet they did not even know that phrase was put into the Declaration of Independence by Jefferson as "a pillar of American government" to insure that citizens have a right to design and participate in government, either directly or through elected representatives, and DEMAND that government grant them civil liberties and equal treatment under the law." I find it quiet ignorant of history that this bunch has a problem with one of the pillars of American Democracy.

"This radical bunch insulted my customers by calling them decrepit. One of my 90 year-old customers made the statement on MY Facebook that she had to do her own hair this morning and it "made me cuss China". Anyone with a brain would know this was a joke. But not this bunch. They attacked her and called her racist (the only argument liberals know). They even went so far as to post her picture along with some of my other "supporters" to "out" them. An old liberal trick to try to silence them. This is when I shut the conversation down. My friend is 90 years-old and has been a dear friend and customer for 45 years. She still cuts and weed eats her own grass and drives anywhere she wants to go. She does not deserve these liberal attack dogs going after her. Shame on them.

"This bunch also said, "Ms Thurman, along with her supporters, took this opportunity to mock and attack anyone expressing a dissenting opinion." YOU were on MY Facebook page. Why did you not get off if you could not take the heat?

"I argued that the government did not have the right to pick winners and losers. Small businesses regardless of what they do, have the same rights as big box stores to make money.

"I still say, that doctors and scientist do not have the authority to shut down businesses. If so, who gives them that power? It is not in the Constitution.

"I also still say, "If the virus is going to kill me, I cannot change that. The Lord knew the day I was going to die." So, what is the problem with that statement, unless you do not believe in God?

"This bunch says that I also ignored CDC advice and took my 84 year-old mother (she is really just 83), and two friends to lunch during this time. There is nothing in this statement that is true. I only took my mother to her friend's house who is caring for his wife with Alzheimers, to keep her from driving to East Brainerd herself. (My mom goes where she wants). She took them lunch not, TO lunch (no restaurants were open or I would have taken them ou to eat.) We set a card table up on the patio and ate lunch outside. This bunch is right, I did all of this unapologetically and if I get ready to do it again, and I probably will, it is none of this bunch's business.

"I did not give up my First Amendment rights when I was elected to the school board and I am sure not going to give them up for this bunch.

"With the lack of knowledge this bunch has about American history, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and basic civil rights and liberty, they are making this way too easy."

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