Metro Nashville Council Puts Expelled Legislator Justin Jones Back In House

  • Monday, April 10, 2023

The Nashville Metro Council called a special meeting on Monday afternoon and unanimously voted to put expelled House member Justin Jones back into the General Assembly for District 52.

A large number of Jones supporters were at the meeting and outside the council chambers, and they accompanied him on the short walk to the state Capitol. There he was sworn in by Chancellor I'Ashea L. Myles. 

The House on Thursday, after a raucous day-long session, expelled Mr. Jones and Justin Pearson of Memphis for their part in breaking into a House session with a pro gun message.

There was an attempt also to expel House member Gloria Johnson of Knoxville, but it fell one vote short.

Justin Jones can serve until a special election is held. He plans to run in that election.

The council took the time to have the minutes of the meeting written up and signed in a certified copy so there would be no delay in his ability to retake the District 52 seat.

Notice of the special called meeting said:

The District 52 seat in the Tennessee State House of Representatives was vacated by adoption of HR0065 on April 6, 2023.

When the seat of any member of either house becomes vacant, Article 2, Section 15 of the Tennessee State Constitution places the onus on the local legislative body to elect an interim successor to serve until a special election occurs to fill the vacancy where a vacancy is created more than 12 months prior to the end of the member’s term. The interim successor must be a qualified voter of the district represented.

Pursuant to Section 3.04 of the Metropolitan Charter and Rule 49 of the Council Rules of Procedure, I am calling a Special Meeting of the Metropolitan Council on Monday, April 10, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber for the following purposes:

  • to announce the vacancy of the Tennessee House of Representatives District 52 seat;
  • to discuss Council Rule 49 procedures for filling vacancies in offices of public officials; and
  • if determined by the Council, vote on the election of an interim successor.

Jim Shulman
Vice Mayor

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