Man Who Gave Gun To Brother At Douglas Heights Shooting Gets 6-Year Sentence

  • Thursday, September 28, 2023

A man who handed a gun to his brother just prior to a fatal shooting at apartments near UTC has been given a maximum six-year prison sentence.

Judge Boyd Patterson said Omerrieal Woods "put the gas on the fire" that led to the slaying of Rigoberto Jarquin. In addition, Jose Garcia-Lopez had a gunshot wound to the shoulder and Miguel Pimentel was hit in the thigh.

Omerrieal Woods had gone to trial in June, and the jury returned reduced charges of guilty of facilitation to commit reckless homicide, two counts of facilitation to commit aggravated assault and unlawful possession of a firearm.

The three E felonies carried 1-2 years. Judge Patterson sentenced him to two years in each cases and made them consecutive to one another.

Chad Wilson, attorney for Woods, noted that he has substantial time built up toward the sentence. He has been in jail for four years, but part of that time was after he was arrested on federal charges for selling marijuana and possessing a gun.

The case involved a clash between the victim group and Woods and his brother, Toddie, and their friends. Toddie Woods became enraged after the other group did not allow them into a party and after he was hit in the face with a bottle.

The other group retreated to a room at the Douglas Heights apartments and the Woods group followed. Police said Toddie Woods tried to force his way into the room, but was blocked. He then began walking from the scene when he was handed a gun by his brother.

Attorneys said a number of UTC students were in the vicinity of the shooting, and some were trying to get away by jumping from balconies.

Toddie Woods then fired 13 shots through the door, emptying his gun's chamber.

He was earlier given a 20-year prison sentence.

The sister of Rigoberto Jarquin testified how the incident had devastated their family. She told of having to identify the body, then tell her mother and younger brother what happened, prior to having to call her father who was out of town.

"My parents didn't eat or sleep for days," she said.

Prosecutor Addie Nester said, "If he had not given him the gun, none of this would have happened."

She said he had 16 prior criminal charges. Attorney Wilson said most of those were for criminal trespass.

Omerrieal Woods said he was sorry for what happened, and he apologized to the victim's family. He said, "If I could change what happened, I would, but I can't."

The other two victims did not take part in the sentencing hearing.

Attorney Wllson said, "They didn't  bother to show up."

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