Storey Trucking Company Delivers First Wreaths To Chattanooga National Cemetery

  • Thursday, December 12, 2024
From left, Mickey McCamish, Wreaths Across Chattanooga and Eric Storey, president of Storey Trucking
From left, Mickey McCamish, Wreaths Across Chattanooga and Eric Storey, president of Storey Trucking

Storey Trucking Company provided Wreaths Across Chattanooga with a truck and crew to haul over 2,000 wreaths to the Chattanooga National Cemetery on Thursday. The wreaths from Thursday’s effort were sponsored by family members and friends and assigned to a specific veteran’s gravesite.

"Since 2019, we've been privileged to deliver numerous wreaths to the National Cemetery," said Eric Storey, president of Storey Trucking. "It is an honor to give back to our community and pay tribute to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, especially during this season of gratitude and remembrance."

For more information about Storey Trucking, visit

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