White Oak Mountain Ranger: Comments

  • Saturday, March 2, 2024

“History has its truth; and so has legend hers.” - Victor Hugo

Receiving comments from readers of WOMR renderings is, more often than not, sort of like letters from home. Kind comments are an affirmation that you’re not really lost after you find yourself away from the ranch after a long and torturous journey. I’m routinely amazed at the comments sent to me, and what it was that sparked these much needed responses. I guess it’s a weird sort of “ego thing” but, nine times out of ten, it’s a real pleasurable moment that I sincerely thank you for, one and all.

David writes: “Thanks Mr. WOMR, What a great book!” David is referring to The Fighting Bunch, The Battle of Athens and How Word War Two Veterans Won The Only Successful Armed Rebellion Since The Revolutionary War - written by Chris DeRose. “I grew up in south Bradley County, in an area colloquially known as “Buck’s Pocket” in the 60s and 70s. I had heard this story most of my life, but it was an extremely watered down version of the truth. I had no idea the real story was this convoluted and went so deep until now. Thanks for putting me on this book and keep your stories coming as well.”

From a long time reader, a Marine Corp veteran, who grew up in the Peach State, Terry writes: “Good article! I got a really good laugh out of this one. I also have a Bob Brandy story. In the middle 1950s my hometown had a Labor Day parade and rodeo. On this particular occasion Bob Brandy and Rebel were to lead the parade. It was really hot that particular day and Bob was dressed in his black outfit. My Granddad and I were in a one horse buggy next in line behind Bob and Rebel. We had covered about a mile and were just reaching the North end of the square in town when suddenly Bob hit the deck. He had passed out and fallen off Rebel in front of the whole town. It caused quite a stir. They propped Bob up against a light pole and poured water on him and fanned him until he finally came to.That day we also learned Bob was bald under that black cowboy hat. I hope you are well and keep writing.”

I’ll bet one pay check that if old Rebel could talk, he’d tell us about how old Bob was prone to sip on a little aiming fluid before a big parade and any rodeo! Semper Fi! Brother Terry! Semper Fi!

The UTC Physic Major writes, “Best one yet, I was rolling in laughter. How much of this is really true?”

The UTC Physic Major is apparently old enough to remember the Bob Brandy Show, also.

That got me to thinking about those among us that attempt to pursue the magic of the study of Physics. This particular form of torture is all about trying to prove what is TRUTH and what is theoretically supposed to be TRUE. Stuff that you can’t really see, stuff that you just have to believe is possible, stuff that, if you believe you can split it, warp it, bend it, or speed it up a little, then magical stuff just happens. Just trust me, it’s all real. I mean just look at all these equations on the blackboard. Why, all of that chalk on the board simply explains everything. It’s intuitively obvious, even to the most causal observer.

That got me to thinking about how similar physicists and politicians really are when they start talking about what’s the TRUTH and what isn’t.

A physicist walks around with his head up his rear end most of his life and a politician walks around with his head up somebody else’s rear end most of his life.

And that my friends, is what most Rangers, who follow the “Cowboy Way,” refer to as an HONEST TRUTH.

“Most writers regard truth as their most valuable possession, and therefore are most economical in its use.” - Mark Twain


Send comments to whiteoakmtnranger@gmail.com

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