There Should Be No Threats Against VW Workers

  • Wednesday, April 17, 2024
The essential right of Volkswagen Chattanooga employees to freely engage in collective bargaining must be free of threats, intimidation, harassment and coercion in all its ugliest forms.  We stand opposed to acts of malice and mass distraction and will support the review of any activities that do not follow guidelines and standards as given by the National Labor Relations Board. 

Those individuals who believe that the employees at Volkswagen should not have fair wages and benefits do not understand the economic impact of a bargaining agreement to the state, city or county.  

As the workers at Chattanooga’s Volkswagen plant exercise their essential democratic right to unionize; it is our hope that the vote that is taking place is fair.
The future welfare, viability and sustainability of the workers is paramount. 

The Chattanooga Hamilton County NAACP reaffirms its support of the right of workers to participate in fair labor practices. 
Reverend Ann J. Pierre
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