Life Is More Than Politics

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Political activities will be prominent at state and national capitals in the upcoming week, showcasing frustrations that transcend party lines. These frustrations can often escalate into anger and, ultimately, rage, prompting us to ask ourselves: Why is this happening?

What insights do we have? Life is undeniably brief, delicate, and fleeting. As you approach your final moments, you will unlikely be disappointed at not having devoted more time to online political debates or being immersed in politics.

Politics often energizes young individuals, igniting enthusiasm and a sense of purpose. However, as we transition into adulthood and beyond, many realize that life encompasses far more than the endless, cyclical debates that frequently lead to no resolution.

Once upon a time, politics was regarded positively, symbolizing public scrutiny and accountability. In contrast, it has since acquired a tarnished reputation, primarily due to its associations with deception, corruption, and incompetence.

The term schadenfreude, a German word meaning “to take pleasure in the misfortune of others,” finds its closest American equivalent in politics. Politicians often capitalize on our deeply rooted disdain for political discourse, significantly contributing to low voter turnout nationwide, making it exceedingly difficult to challenge incumbents with substantial campaign funds.

The challenges that have long influenced our cultural landscape have only intensified, resulting in a society increasingly polarized and entrenched in divisions. Many individuals harbor a lack of trust in politicians, perceiving them as self-serving and corrupt. Many believe that the government fails to respond to ordinary citizens' needs adequately and is overly swayed by well-organized special interest groups. Is it possible to alter this narrative?

We can only hope to change this perception when we learn to appreciate the value of life and acknowledge that our fellow human beings are the essence of our own existence—the true purpose of life itself. Our fellow citizens should not be viewed as interruptions or irritations; instead, we should welcome everyone to engage in meaningful discourse, including political conversations.

Cultivating a strong community among those around us is worth pursuing. We must create more opportunities for individuals to participate in thoughtful and respectful conversations, even when confronted with sharply contrasting political beliefs or interests.

Engaging in meaningful dialogue becomes increasingly daunting when we lack shared foundational principles or a mutual understanding of our shared reality. What one person perceives as logical reasoning may easily be dismissed as absurdity by another.

This growing absence of open dialogue and a decline in mutual respect have created formidable barriers that hinder our ability to engage in straightforward conversations with neighbors or those who may differ in appearance or ideology.

Unfortunately, we live in a politically divided society. The two-party system in the United States enhances the "us versus them" mentality. Politicians have skillfully exploited divisive issues to gain support and votes, reinforcing their grasp on power. This strategy must be challenged to create a more united society. As Aristotle wrote, the “good of man must be the end of the science of politics.”

Our goal should be to revive the spirit of open communication, fostering an atmosphere where we can bridge the divides that separate us and build more inclusive communities, states, and a united nation. By emphasizing the importance of respectful engagement, we can begin to dismantle the walls of misunderstanding and work toward a more cohesive society.

Tennessee will start a new legislative session on Jan. 14, and a new President will be inaugurated in Washington, DC, on Jan. 20. In both cases, one undeniable truth remains: life goes on. Tough times may not last, but tough individuals do.

So, take a moment to disconnect from the constant barrage of news. Step outside and breathe in the fresh air. Remember, you were never meant to carry the burdens of the entire world upon your shoulders. Life is more than politics.

JC Bowman
Executive Director of Professional Educators of Tennessee

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