Regina Block To Speak At SCWN February Marketplace Luncheon Feb. 27

  • Monday, February 3, 2025
Scenic City Women’s Network announces Regina Block, executive director, National Memorial for the Unborn, as guest speaker for the February Marketplace Luncheon to be held on Thursday, Feb. 27 at noon at The Walden Club, 633 Chestnut St., #2100 in Chattanooga. A plated meal and refreshments will be served.

About the speaker:
Regina Block came to faith in Christ in 1971 and has spent most of her life getting to know the Lord. She is the current executive director for the National Memorial for the Unborn.
Ms. Block came to the Memorial after having served in the military, federal law enforcement and a number of for-profit companies, non-profit agencies and a medical practice. 

She has an undergraduate degree in psychology, and has served in many volunteer capacities over the years, including with a pregnancy resource center, and as a workshop leader during women’s retreats at Cedine Ministries. She enjoys reading, running and traveling, and would like to revisit Israel, Uruguay and Germany.  Her future plans include pursuing a graduate degree in counseling, to minister to women and men who have had abortions.

February Marketplace Luncheon registration is $30 and open to the public. Space is limited and
registration ends Feb. 25. Register online here, or call 423-698-6262.
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