



Add a Classified

Most of our Classified ads are FREE! Classifieds are posted for 30 days. To delete your classified or make a change before the 30 days is up, email and give the category and title of your classified.

And you can add a color picture to your classified ad and that is also FREE!. Email your picture to and let us know which classified ad it goes with. 

For realty agents, give special attention to an individual listing or open house for $1 a day. Rate is $30 for a month. Minimum charge is $10. Just go to our Classifieds and add your listing under the appropriate Realty category. Email a color picture to be posted with it. In your listing, include links to pages you have set up with many more photos, videos, etc. of the property. Make payment for a full month by mailing a check for $30 to, PO Box 2331, Chattanooga, Tn., 37409, or tell us to bill you. 

For construction companies seeking subcontractors the charge is $30 per month. Make payment for a full month by mailing a check for $30 to, PO Box 2331, Chattanooga, Tn., 37409, or tell us to bill you. 

For companies and governments seeking to  hire employees: the rate is $1 a day - $30 for a month. Minimum charge is $10. Make payment by mailing a check to, PO Box 2331, Chattanooga, Tn., 37409, or tell us to bill you. 
Click here to learn more about formatting your classified

Formatting your classified

While we remove any HTML from submitted classified ads, formatting is allowed using the tags shown below. Feel free to use any of them if you wish to make your ad easier to read.

All links submitted will be checked and validated, so please make sure each link is correct. Each link should begin with "http://" or "https://"




[url=]Link to a website[/url]


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