Making A Choice - And Response (4)

  • Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Our non free-thinking council person Larry Grohn is quoted as saying, "Race and gender is not a choice. The same cannot be said for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community...." 

Really? We are not born as we are? Then I would like to ask Mr. Grohn at what age he decided not to be homosexual? No fair saying, "I've always been a heterosexual man." You just said it's a choice, so I want to know exactly when you were either bisexual or homosexual and made a choice not to be. Were you seven years old or were you 17? Seriously, if it's a choice, when did you make yours?

Herb Montgomery 

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Mr. Herb Montgomery's sincere, deeply held beliefs are missing a fundamental scientific fact. 

Natural science is not man-made.  Race and gender are rational facts - not behaviors that mankind can change. 

Chattanooga City Council Member Larry Grohn astutely points out that, unlike race and gender, human behaviors (including the unusual behaviors Mr. Herb Montgomery specifies) can and do change. 

Donald O'Connor 

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Thank you, Mr. Montgomery, for pointing out the fatal flaw in that line of nonsense. And even if sexual orientation is a choice, it is irrelevant to the issue.  

Religion is also a choice. No one is born Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any other religion. If the argument is framed in the context of choice, someone’s chosen religion or moral beliefs has no more validity under the Constitution than my supposedly “chosen” orientation. 

Aulcie Smith 

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Every male and female are capable of having sexual relations with their own gender or with the opposite gender. We all have that ability but what is missing is the ability of having children with the same sex partner. 

A number of the gay community have had relations with the opposite gender that produced children, former marriages or relationships. The choice now is choosing who to have sexual relations with. All males and females are capable of same sex relationship but most today choose to be involved in a hextrosexual relationship. 

We make many choices such as to have children or not, to get married or not, to commit adultery or not, rob a bank, etc. The one thing that is constant in each of these areas in our life is they are choices we make. Almost everything we are involved in requires each of us to make a choice. There are many pressures in everyday living that impacts the choices we make. Think of all the sex crimes that happen, adults with children, etc., could they be born that way? 

I believe everyone is free to make their own choices, good or bad, in every area of their lives but I do not believe they were born that way.

N.D. Kennedy Sr.

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I would like to know how it is that a lot of heterosexual people seem to know what goes on in the minds and heart of gays and lesbians.  Yes, people have choices they make every day.  But being gay is not a choice.  You can't choose to be more attracted to one gender over the other.  You can choose to act on it and live your life being who you are or you can choose to hide who you really are.  

Unfortunately, gays and lesbians of all ages hide who they are due to the ignorance of others.  Being ignorant and close minded is a choice.  Unfortunately, most ignorant people can't help themselves. 

Bo Denson

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