Clint Powell: I Can Do That Myself!

  • Monday, July 28, 2014
  • Clint Powell
Clint Powell
Clint Powell

Asking tough questions is sometimes…well…tough! That just makes sense right? However, knowing that tough questions are tough to ask…doesn’t mean they are still not…well...tough! Shoot…I did it again. Captain Obvious on the job. Well, what kind of tough questions are we talking about? There are quite a few I could spend time on. ‘How old are you?’ – ‘How much do you weigh?’ – ‘Is that a wig?’…you get the point. Those seem to be both tough AND not so smart questions. I am talking about questions regarding a company’s marketing. Questions that I have to ask prospects and clients all the time. Let’s talk about one specifically. Ready…go!

You would be surprised how many times I hear this response when it comes to a few of the services we provide: ‘I know that is important to my business, but I don’t need help with that…I can do it myself or get someone in our office to do it.’ Cool! Awesome! So what is my follow up question? You know…the tough one!

Let’s all ask it together… ‘If you can - then why aren’t you doing it?’ Ouch! Awkward! I know that may not be easy to ask OR easy to answer, but it is important. Think about it. If there are ‘things’ that you would like done, need done, or that you think are important to your business. Things that you may categorize as small…why would you not have them done? If they continually end up on your list of things to start implementing and they never get done…then what is the hold up? Is it time? Money? Know how?

It is a harsh reality when we finally admit we are either not good at something or simply do not have the time to do it or manage it ourselves, but that is the point you have to get too. Either start doing it, pay to have someone else do it, or take it off your list. It becomes frustrating and waste of time when you are constantly addressing the same things.

In most cases this is simply a struggle of value vs. money! Once you have given it up and agreed to have someone manage those tasks or events for you…you quickly see how much better they get done and how much more productive you feel. So, here is your challenge…if you are willing to accept it. Look at your ‘wish list’ or ‘to do’ list and identify those things you have repeatedly said ‘I can do that myself’, but you have never really gotten done. Find a way to get them done or take them off your list and stop worrying about them.

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Clint Powell is owner of Connect Marketing, a full service advertising agency in Chattanooga. He is a graduate of Carson-Newman College. He has spent years in radio advertising sales and management, built and sold a billboard company and works on a contract basis with other ad agencies writing ad copy and helping formulate strategies. Clint has worked with hundreds of local and regional companies over the years and helped them develop advertising campaigns. He frequently leads marketing and advertising seminars and meetings for businesses and network groups. He believes that life is all about connections and spends his time connecting businesses and business owners to solutions. He sits on the board of Y-Cap (YMCA Community Action Program) and helps with several other non-profits. Clint currently resides in East Ridge with his wife and three children.


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