Immigration - And Response (3)

  • Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Remember when Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, except for those brown-skinned Spanish-speaking children from south of the Rio Grande”?

Yea, me neither.

But you’d pressed hard-pressed to find any among the Republican Tea Party crowd who don’t believe (or at least wish strongly enough to believe, which is good enough for $COTU$) that was the intent when Jesus said it.  Especially swaggering Chesters like Rick Perry and Sean Hannity rushing to defend the U.S against hordes of…helpless children. 

 Meanwhile, the allegedly Democratic administration is cramming the kids into dog kennels wall-to-wall and tree-top tall before packing them into buses like sardines to send them back south where they came from while Lady Liberty can do nothing but hide her face in shame.  The idea, of course, being that they don’t belong here because they have the wrong color skin and speak the wrong language.  You know, like white Europeans speaking Spanish and French and English and Dutch and Swedish back in the day coming to a land full of copper-skinned people speaking five hundred different languages.

 In terms of Europeans, the Spanish were here first.  Well, after they killed of the French Huguenots at Fort Carolina at the mouth of the Altamaha River, that is.  But really to them goes credit for the first grip of an iron fist. 

 The Viceroyalty of New Spain at one time took in not only Mexico but all of the Southeast and Southwest of the modern United States, including Kentucky and Virginia in the former and Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California in the latter, along with Cuba, the Mariana Islands, and the Philippine Islands.  So, a goodly chunk of America was “theirs” first.

 The antics of Perry and Hannity and their ilk plus the acquiescent collaboration of the Obama administration remind me of the MS St. Louis, particularly regarding Perry and Hannity’stea Party hate-group.  The famous “Voyage of the Damned” involved 936 Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis in Germany bound for Cuba.  After they were refused entry there, Roosevelt and his administration wanted to offer them asylum, but the Southern bloc of the Democratic Party, nicknamed Dixiecrats, blocked his plans, and they were turned away at Florida.

 This was the same South which produced the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in 1915 based on a fictitious film glorifying Jim Crow, “Birth of a Nation”.  Its immediate predecessor was not the post-war KKK but the Knights of Mary Phagan, a virulently anti-Semitic terror organization that sprang up during the Leo Frank affair and lynched the innocent man after an appeal ruled that his blatantly bigoted trial had been a miscarriage of justice and commuted his initial death sentence to life in prison.

 The MS St. Louis returned to Europe after Canada likewise refused entry to its refugee passengers, but the captain, Gustav Schroeder, docked at Antwerp and refused to return to Germany until all his passengers were given sanctuary elsewhere. The UK took 288, the rest divided among France, Belgium, and Netherlands, all three of which were soon to fall to Hitler’s blitzkrieg forces.

 Of the passengers of the Ship of the Damned who remained on the Continent, 365 survived the war, the others mostly dying in the death camps.

 In 1948, the Zionists in Palestine established the State of Israel.  Since this seemed to fulfill the misreading of the Olivet discourse by less-than-honest Anglo-Irish theologian John Nelson Darby about Israel needing to be restored for Armageddon, suddenly the Dixiecrats decided Jews might not be so bad after all.  At least the ones in Palestine. 

 The part of that passage about “when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies”? That happened in 70 CE with the Siege of Jerusalem that all but ended the Great Jewish Revolt.  The prophecy had already been fulfilled and Darby knew it, or at least was peripherally aware of it, and deliberately chose to ignore it.  James Ussher, a fellow cleric and predecessor in the (Anglican) Church of Ireland closed his rather famous work on the timeline of the New Testament with it nearly two hundred years before, in fact, and as a Church of Ireland divine, Darby could not possibly have escaped that unless his head was thoroughly buried in the peat, which it was most certainly not.  On some points Darby was very thoughtful and progressive.

 With the beginning of the Reagan Revolution, virtually all the Dixiecrats turned their coats from blue to red.  The ideological forebearers of the Tea Party Republicans today are the Dixiecrats who conspired to refuse sanctuary to European Jews fleeing the Nazis in 1939.

 Since the administration and its agencies began smashing the fingers of the children desperately clinging to the life raft of freedom and the right to live, between 10 and 20 of them have been murdered back “home”, mostly in Central America.

Chuck Hamilton

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Over the last several years I have had the privilege to have traveled to several different countries in Central and South America and also to three countries in Africa. Although the countries differed in many ways there was one that was standard.
When boarding a flight to/from these countries I had to produce a passport and other ID to board the planes. When entering other countries I had to present a passport and visa showing the date I would be leaving. In one country all men were patted down before exiting the airport. Other areas that that required showing a passport: Exchanging currency, registering in a hotel and they made a copy of the first pages to keep with the room registration and when requested by the police and military. Guess it was because of my color and that I could only speak English.
I accepted these requirements for several reasons. Most important was being arrested for entering the country illegally and the fact I wanted to be good visitor. One instance was when we traveled 65 miles from one city to another and we were stopped at six police checkpoints. Not unusual. All countries have their immigration laws and most enforce them to the letter. I know my age had nothing to do with the checks.
Maybe Mr. Hamilton should take a trip and leave his passport home. Then he would experience another country's immigration laws.
N. D. Kennedy Sr. - Ooltewah 

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Is Mr. Chuck Hamilton suggesting that we just open up our borders and let everyone in who claims they need asylum stay or keep coming? Mr. Hamilton likes to quote bible verses as do many other people however they and he tend to take these things out of context. You cannot compare what was done to the Jewish people to this situation either. In the book of Numbers it talks about the Israelites being directed by god to kill every man, women and child of a certain country. Lets not pretend that the Bible even plays a role in this issue, Mr. Hamilton.
Simply put these people come here because no one is making it difficult.
I liken this to taking on every stray in the neighborhood because they have nowhere else to go. If the neighborhood stray cat comes to your front porch and you feed it and give it water simply because you feel sorry for it, it will soon take up your residence and make it home. The next thing you know you not only have the cat but its entire family to take care of and feed. On the other hand if you refuse to feed and care for the stray and send it back to where it came from it will no longer come to your front door looking for a handout.
We (USA) have become the stray cat lady of sorts and try to take on every poor or allegedly mistreated person who comes along. In the process of doing this it has weakened our country and caused a serious security issue. We cannot fix the problems of the world and should not be allowing everyone who can sneak across our boarders to stay. There is a process for coming to this country and entering by any other means is a crime.
We share over 2,000 miles of border with Mexico and it is time they step up to stop the illegal immigration problems coming from their country. The Mexican government is allowing thousands of illegal immigrants from other countries to pass through its territory with no ramifications. If Mexico will not stop the problem we should simply close the border to any business with Mexico and stop monetary assistance to them. I think within a short period of time the Mexican government would start enforcing their borders as well.
Simply put, entering our country without the proper documentation is illegal and these people regardless of their status in life should be sent back to where they came from.
Mike Cox

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“Especially swaggering Chesters like Rick Perry and Sean Hannity rushing to defend the U.S against hordes of…helpless children.”...

“helpless children.”?

And that is where you left your credibility behind; it couldn’t cross over with you into the land of falsehoods and half truths.

As for comparing today’s illegal immigrants to the Jews fleeing Hitler and Nazi Germany? Now you're just saying words; there's no way you're actually putting thought into what appears on the screen before you.

Samuel Horn




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