Lee Students Present At Latin American Studies Symposium

  • Friday, May 15, 2015
Four Lee students presented at the Latin American Studies Symposium.  From left are Kelly Morrison, Evan Pell, Sarah Minucci, and Guilherme Silva Von Streber.
Four Lee students presented at the Latin American Studies Symposium. From left are Kelly Morrison, Evan Pell, Sarah Minucci, and Guilherme Silva Von Streber.

Four Lee University students presented papers at the 23rd Annual Latin American Studies (Symposium at Birmingham-Southern College. 

The conference theme this year was “Extreme Events in Latin America” and showcased original research and creative projects conducted during the preceding year by undergraduate students. Presentations were given in English, Spanish and Portuguese. In addition to BSC and Lee, the conference hosted numerous students and faculty representing 14 other colleges and universities from the United States and Brazil. 

The students went through a long research and writing process throughout the semester in order to present at the conference, according to Dr. Alexander Steffanell, assistant professor of Spanish at Lee and faculty sponsor for the trip. 

“Lee students’ papers were up to date with the most important bibliographical and source research along with the current events/issues in society,” said Dr. Steffanell. “Paper topics included religion, education, language and politics in Latin America.” 

Lee presenters included Spanish majors Sarah Minucci, Kelly Morrison, Evan Pell and Guilherme Silva Von Streber. 

Ms. Minucci’s presentation was titled “La Lengua Nos Hace: Bilinguismo en Paraguay.” (“The Language Makes Us: Bilingualism in Paraguay.”) 

Ms. Morrison’s presentation was titled “Un Conflicto Insoluble: Entendiendo La Guerra Civil de Colombia.” (“An Unresolved Conflict: Understanding the Civil War in Colombia.”) 

Mr. Pell’s presentation was titled “El Papa Francisco: Una Nueva Mirada a la Teología de la Liberación en Latinoamérica.” (“Pope Francis: A New View of the Liberation Theology in Latin America.”) 

Mr. Silva Von Streber’s presentation was titled “La Educación Eficaz como Agente Liberador en Paraguay.” (“The Effective Education as Liberation Agent in Paraguay.”) 

“I always take Spanish majors to present to this conference, and this is the 7th group in seven years of attending undergraduate conferences,” said Dr. Steffanell. “This experience will motivate them to pursue graduate school and focus on societal and language issues that will improve their academic lives.” 

For more information about Spanish or Latin American Studies at Lee, contact the Department of Language & Literature at 614-8210 or email Dr. Steffanell at asteffanell@leeuniversity.edu. 


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