Jewish Cultural Center Holds Annual Yom HaZikaron Observance On May 11 And Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration On May 12

  • Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Yom HaZikaron, Israel Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers and the victims of terror attacks, will be held at the Jewish Cultural Center, 5461 North Terrace Road, on Wednesday, May 11 at 6:45 p.m. There is no cost to attend this event. Attendees are asked to wear a white shirt.

"Yom Hazikaron is an important day in Israel.  Each year residents of Israel stop their daily routines and honor the lives lost. Most families have lost a family member or close friend in wars or during terrorist attacks within the country. This special program honors the memories of fallen Israeli soldiers and the victims of terror attacks whom gave their lives to protect Israel," officials said.   

Two guest speakers will present their personal stories of lost and experience:  Amit Farkash and Major Gilad Pasternak.  

Ms. Farkash is 27 years old.  At the age of two years, she was living with her family in Ramat HaSharon, Caesarea, Israel. At 13 she began to study singing. She became known in 2006 when she recorded the song "Millions of Stars" in memory of her brother, Captain Tom Farkash, who died in a helicopter crash during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. The song was written and composed by a friend of Captain Farkash, being sung by Ms. Farkash for the first time at his funeral. It gained fame on radio and became the song most closely identified with the war. 

Major Pasternak is 32 years old. He is a member of the Israeli Defense Force Nahal Brigade, and veteran of Operation Protective Edge. "They began the battle greatly outnumbered, lost two fighters with many more wounded, but Battalion 931 of the Nahal Brigade refused to surrender.  A ground force of 16 fighters, including two dog handlers from the Oketz Unit and a team of engineering troops from the Yahalom unit, entered Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip in the late night hours of July 25, 2014.The force from the 931 Battalion, under the command of Major Gilad Pasternak, was preparing for an attack in a built-up area, without knowing that a much larger Hamas force was readying a strike against it," officials said.

The Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration for  Israel’s 68th birthday will begin at 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 12, also at the Jewish Cultural Center, 5461 North Terrace Road. The cost to attend is $18 and includes dinner, beverages and a live band. This is a 21-year-old plus event.  RSVP to 493-0270 or

Israeli Rock Band Exit 10 are the feature performers for the evening. All Israelis, the band members are coming from Atlanta and have performed in different venues across the United States. They have arranged a playlist that includes both Israeli and American rock greatest hits. Band members include Alon Zaibert (vocals),  Lee Lis (vocals and acoustic guitar),
Elad Gazit (lead guitar), Guy Tesler  (bass), Tal Tzfani (drums) and Yinon Sahar (keyboards).

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