Certified Tax Rates Now Set, Assessor Haynes Says

  • Monday, July 31, 2017

Hamilton County Assessor of Property Marty Haynes announced Monday that his office, along with the state Of Tennessee Comptroller’s Office, has completed the calculations for the 2017 Certified Property Tax Rates. All local governments have been notified of their certified rate.

Following the 2017 county wide reappraisal, the certified tax rate is calculated to produce the same property tax revenue equivalent to the previous budget year (T.C.A. 67-5-1701).

If a local government sets a higher property tax rate than the certified tax rate, by state law it must announce its intentions according T.C.A. 67-5-1702.

Soddy Daisy has indicated it may raise the rate above the certified level.

Hamilton County will stay with the new certified rate.

Assessor Haynes said, "Those property owners who have questions concerning their property tax rate they should contact their City Councilperson or Commissioner."

2016 2017


HAMILTON COUNTY 2.7652 2.4976
COLLEGEDALE 1.3713 1.2594
EAST RIDGE 1.4227 1.3381
LAKESITE 0.2350 0.2151
LOOKOUT MTN. 1.8300 1.6949
RED BANK 1.3500 1.1826
RIDGESIDE 2.0100 1.8074
SIGNAL MTN. 1.5684 1.3965
SODDY DAISY 1.3524 1.2559
WALDEN 0.4290 0.3853

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