Police Blotter: Officer Buys Gas For Homeless Woman Whose Tank Was On Empty; Rolling Groceries Cause Traffic Mishap

  • Tuesday, December 21, 2021

An officer met a woman on E. Main Street who said she was homeless and out of gas. She said she didn't have any money for gas and was waiting for a friend, who may not show up. The officer decided to assist her with her problem by putting gas in her car to get her to a safe place where she could stay warm for the night.

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Police had conducted a traffic stop in the 2000 block of McCallie Avenue when they encountered a woman whose vehicle was blocked in,due to the traffic stop. The woman appeared to be heavily intoxicated and became confrontational with other bystanders. At one point she became disorderly by yelling obscenities and being argumentative with on-scene officers conducting an investigation
completely unrelated to her. It was then the officer gave several verbal commands for her to sit inside her vehicle until officers were finished conducting their investigation. She ignored all verbal commands and continued being confrontational. Police then detained her and placed her in the back of a police vehicle until she was able to compose herself. Once it was confirmed she would be able to have someone drive her from the location because of her level of intoxication, she
was released without further incident.

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An officer observed a black sedan with hazard lights on at the intersection of Market and E. Aquarium. The driver said he had blown two tires and was waiting for a friend to help him out. Police saw the front passenger side wheel completely worn to the spindle and the rear passenger side tire shredded. The officer requested more units to inspect the area for any property damage or evidence of a crash in the vicinity. As they did this, the officer checked the vehicle registration and discovered the vehicle was owned by a woman. The man said that the woman who owned the vehicle was his roommate and she loaned him the car. He contacted her via cell and police spoke with her and confirmed his story. Police in the area never located any evidence of a crash
or property damage. It appears that both passenger side tires ruptured and the driver continued to
drive until the front wheel wore down and stalled the car out. A-1 Towing removed the car and police transported the driver to an apartment on Mansion Circle. Police met with the vehicle owner there and gave her a tow sheet copy with instructions on how to retrieve the car. The driver was uninjured and required no medical attention.

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Police noticed a white Ford Fusion (AL tag) parked at the Raceway, 2528 Broad St. Police got out with the vehicle due to it matching the description of a stolen vehicle. Police ran the driver and the vehicle through NCIC, and it was not the vehicle.

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Police were called to a possible shoplifting at Dillard's, 2100 Hamilton Place Blvd. Employees said a man and woman had been observed spending unusually long times in the fitting rooms. Police were asked to observe the two. Police saw both of them proceed to the back corner of the downstairs women's store and spend an unusually long time in that location. The woman was observed to not be concealing anything visible. Upon noticing police observation, the man stepped away from the woman and walked to the counter to request assistance. From past experience, police knew this was generally a tactic to draw attention away from the other person in an attempt to legitimize the visit to the store. During this time the woman concluded standing in the corner and proceeded to the fitting rooms, while the man continued speaking with staff. Sometime within this time frame the woman was able to leave the store unnoticed and a visual was lost on her. Once this had taken place, the man also exited the building. Upon inspecting the area where the woman was standing, police and staff found multiple tags for merchandise that were elaborately hidden within the clothing the woman was standing beside. Police were only able to identify the man. It is believed that the man was the lookout for the woman, allowing her to make a speedy exit
from the store.

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A man told police his 2008 Chrysler Caravan was stolen from the front parking lot of Vision Graphics, 1415 E. Main St., overnight. He did not have any tag information, so the vehicle was not entered into NCIC. No suspect information is known.

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A security guard for Parkridge North ER, 7402 Lee Hwy., told police he found a wallet and a small
plastic bag that contained what he thought was marijuana. Police collected the wallet, ID and the green leafy substance, and turned them into Property.

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An employee told police she wanted them to run the serial number of one of the pistols at Sportsman's Warehouse's, 6241 Perimeter Dr., to make sure that it was not stolen. Police checked on the Stoeger STR-9 and was determined to not be stolen. The employee said she would hold the gun for about a week then probably put it up for sale.

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A suspicious person was reported at CHI Memorial, 1000 Executive Dr., behind a dumpster
asleep. Police approached the man and he identified himself. The man did not have any
outstanding warrants, so police left the scene after telling him to vacate the area (as the dumpster was surrounded by a fence).

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An employee of the Wyndham Hotel on McCutcheon Road told police he received a phone call from someone who said they were one of the owners of the Wyndam Hotel. They said that he needed to go turn in $2,000 from the cash register into BitCoin. The man said he questioned them shortly and then took $1,000 and went to multiple gas stations to try and turn it in. He said he then went to the gas station beside the DMV on Bonny Oaks and he got the money turned into BitCoin there. He said he then received a phone call from BitCoin to verify the account. After he sent the money, he then went back to the hotel and the other employee noticed there was no money in the register. He then told them what happened and they then called the manager. The man gave police the tracking number. Police later learned that this employee had in the past three weeks reported to the hotel that someone broke into his room and stole his check and the business iPad. He had refused to call the authorities at the time of the incident. Police were able to make contact with the gas station that the employee said he used to send the BitCoin. The clerk said that there was a man in the business that morning for about two hours using the ATM to turn in the money. They also said that he asked for them to exchange his $1 bills for $20s and the clerk said it was about $170 worth. Police also found that the employee had a possible warrant out of Hamilton County. Police will continue to look for the employee in the area.

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A shoplifting was reported at the Dollar General, 4211 Rossville Blvd. The manager told police that a black male came into the store and left with four books. She said she has never seen the man, but he was skinny with a flannel-colored shirt. She said she is unsure of how much the books were worth, but said that they ranged from $2 to $6 each. The man left the property in an unknown silver four-door vehicle with a temporary tag.

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A man told police that on 11/28/2021 at approximately 3:45 p.m. someone used his TVFCU debit card information to make three purchases at the Walgreen's, 2104 McCallie Ave. He said his card was used again about 30 minutes later at Kanku's for $9.98. He said that TVFCU will be returning the money to his account and he understands that the credit union is therefore the victim.

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A man on W. Polymer Drive told police that someone damaged the front passenger side fender of his vehicle. He said he noticed a dent and is not sure where, when or how it occurred.

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The manager of the Hobby Lobby, 2288 Gunbarrel Road, told police that four cardboard bales, valued at $95 apiece, were stolen from behind the building. There is no suspect information.

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Police were driving in the area at 3800 Brainerd Road and noticed smoke coming from the ditch near the power lines. Police discovered a man and woman who had made a fire from leaves and tree branches. The man was able to put it out and both of them moved along. The man did not have any warrants. The woman had one out of GA, but there were no extraditions.

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A woman told police she was coming to a stop on S. Terrace when she leaned over to pick up rolling groceries in the passenger floorboard. She said she lightly made contact with the car in front of her. Both vehicles pulled over and observed no damage on their vehicles. No crash report was made.

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