Dayton Getting Closer To Getting An Ice Rink

  • Tuesday, November 8, 2022
The Ice Rink in Dayton took one more step into coming to be Monday night with Dayton City Manager Tommy Solomon presenting the request from the Rhea Economic and Community Development for the funds to match those from the county for the ice rink. This has been a joint venture with the county since County Executive Jim Vincent presented it to the Rhea County Commission at the October meeting.
“Since we are going to have it up for some time from November until the end of February, it would be a long time to have the streets blocked off, so we can put it in Centennial Park and have room for it,” said City Manager Solomon.
He said he has measured the area and it will fit.
“People will still be able to use the benches and tables in the park.”
John Bamber, executive director of RECD, was on hand to answer questions of the council about the project. Tentatively the rink will be set to open Nov. 12 and will be open until Feb. 28.
“The hours will be fluid as we see what the response of the public is. I’m sure that we will have some longer hours during the Christmas break from school. The employees will be there one hour before the opening to get ready and sharpen the skates and will stay one hour after closing to clean up and prepare for the next day,” said Mr. Bamber.
City Manager Solomon said that RECD will handle the employing of all the help for the skating ring but added that they have gotten a lady who ran an ice rink up north to help with this project.
County Executive Vincent said, “This is the kind of stuff that makes the community grateful. Events like this are a good thing. It gets everyone excited.”
He said he will update the commission at their workshop Tuesday night on the progress that they have made so far on the ice rink
City Manager Solomon said that upon talking with the contractor, maintenance will be easy on the rink. “All it will take is keeping the ice skates sharp and power wash it once a week.
He praised the water department of the city of Dayton. “All of our water plant employees are Grade 4 Certified operators. Superintendent Brady Anderson is doing a great job at the plant and this year our water loss has gone from 17.4 percent down to 14.9 percent.”
Councilman Billy Graham said he could remember when the water system was losing upwards of 35 percent of volume.
Council approved Chief of Police Tracy Blevins in applying for a grant over $85,000 from the Tennessee Violent Crime Intervention Fund.
“This is a non-matching grant that can be used for technology as well as for some other things in helping departments fight crime. With this money we will be able to put new radios in all the patrol cars and get some portables. This will bring us up today with this," said Chief Blevins.
He said the new body cameras and tasers have arrived and are being given out to the officers during in-service this week.
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