Navy Captain, Aide To Senator Brock Gene Hunt Laid To Rest At National Cemetery

  • Wednesday, March 2, 2022
  • Earl Freudenberg
Charlie Hobbs and Denny Miller drape the flag
Charlie Hobbs and Denny Miller drape the flag
photo by Earl Freudenberg

Navy Captain Raymond “Gene” Hunt was remembered Tuesday as a man who loved his country and community. Mr. Hunt was a devoted member of the Anglican Church of the Redeemer where over 100 friends packed the Brainerd Chapel for a stirring memorial service.  The McCallie School and University of Chattanooga graduate was active in the Episcopal Church for several decades forming FORWARD, a support group for widows and widowers.

Mr. Hunt served as administration assistant to Congressmen Bill Brock and Lamar Baker and later Senator Bill Brock. The late Senator Brock once said that Mr. Hunt knew how to cut through government red tape in helping veterans and seniors while assisting hundreds in Tennessee.  In 1975 he started Gene Hunt and associates with emphasis on insurance and financial planning.

His son Ted said “Dad loved to run; you would see him on the Walnut Street Bridge and all over the North Shore.  It was his passion and how he kept in shape.”

Fellow Navy Captain Billy Hewitt praised his friend for his love of country. Cpt. Hewitt said Mr. Hunt was a master student of military and political science and enjoyed a lively discussion.

Father Phil Hanner delivered the Homily, the congregation sang the “Navy Hymn” and the service closed with Martin Luther’s “A mighty fortress is our God”. Mr. Hunt’s family said their dad planned the service and the hymns were his favorites. 

CPT. Hunt’s committal service was held at the VA National Cemetery in Chattanooga. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 203 provided the Honor Guard.  The American Flag was raised over the casket while TAPS played.

Gene Hunt retired as a captain after serving his country for 37 years in the Naval Reserve.   


Vietnam Veterans took part
Vietnam Veterans took part
photo by Earl Freudenberg
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