Police Blotter: Woman Doesn’t Want Her Neighbor To Talk To Her; Woman Puts Down $1,200 Rent Payment On House, But It's Already Occupied

  • Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A woman on Dixon Street told police her neighbor talks to her when she is outside and that she doesn’t like it. She asked police to ask her neighbor to stop talking to her. The officer told the woman police cannot order someone to stop casually greeting their neighbor.

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Police were dispatched to a suspicious activity on W. 14th Street Court where a woman said someone was beating on the back door of her apartment and she believed that it was her ex-boyfriend. The person who was knocking on her door was gone before police arrived.

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Police were called to check on a suspicious gray Audi circling the block on Mulberry Street. Police found the car and conducted a traffic stop based on the vehicle’s expired Georgia temporary tag. The driver said he was taking his friend home and got lost. He told police he had been drinking. Police conducted a field sobriety test and found little to no nystagmus in either eye. Police were not able to smell alcohol coming from the driver and he wasn’t exhibiting signs of being intoxicated. Police, however, did request the driver park the car and get a ride home. He complied with this request.

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A man on Power Alley told police someone broke the padlock on his U-Haul trailer and stole two duffel bags of clothing and miscellaneous items.

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An anonymous female called police and said a man had cut himself with knives on Chestnut Street. Dispatch gave a possible wireless phase two address of an apartment at the location. Police spoke with the people in that apartment, who said they didn’t call and all was fine. The female was calling from a 911 only phone, and no contact could be made after she hung up. Police checked the surrounding area and found no signs of distress or suspicious activity.

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An employee of Tailgate Brewery at 1464 Market St. told police someone used a brick to break the door glass and bash in a window of the business.

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A woman on W. 38th Street told police that morning her car had both rear tires flat. She didn’t have any witnesses, but believes that the suspect who slashed her neighbor's tire is the same one that damaged her tires.

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A woman on Tennessee Avenue told police someone scratched/keyed the driver's door of her Mitsubishi Outlander.

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A man on Ely Road called police and said he was at a Circle K and accidentally struck the stone pillars near a parking spot. He said the front, driver side bumper was dented and scratched.

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A man and woman were arguing at a residence on 6th Avenue. The man had been trespassed from the East Lake property, but the woman continues to invite him over. Both the man and woman are alcoholics, and whenever they drink it leads to arguments. An officer instructed the man to leave the property, and he complied. Housing investigators were notified of the incident.

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A woman on Hixson Pike told police a tree had fallen onto her truck and her neighbor's car. An officer observed a tree and some vines that appeared to be on top of and across a blue Chevrolet Silverado, with some of the end branches having damaged a red Chevrolet Impala. The woman said the truck actually belonged to her significant other, but he was asleep at the time. She provided police with his ID and insurance card and said the truck was worth approximately $7,500. They had already spoken with both their insurance company and the landlord. The landlord had called maintenance personnel to take care of the tree. The woman said she knew the owners of the Impala but they didn’t want to speak with police.

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Dispatched received a call from an unknown woman on Mae Dell Road that was screaming at a man about a phone, then disconnected. Dispatch attempted a call back numerous times with no response. Police arrived on scene and didn't see any signs of distress. Police saw a man and woman walk past the door in a normal fashion, but upon police knocking on the door numerous times, there was no answer. Police checked CopLink and the addresses/phone number showed no prior incidents.

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Police were called to a residence on 12th Avenue where a woman said her son would not let her sleep. She said he kept arguing with her and would yell around the house. Her son left the scene prior to police arrival. The woman said she didn’t want him back at the house and he should be trespassed if officers found him. Officers checked the area but were unable to locate the son.

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A man at Buffalo Valley at 5900 Shaw Ave. told police he is in charge of a group home for veterans in recovery. He said veterans stay there free of charge for as long as they remain compliant with house rules. One man has been refusing to comply with house rules and has declined to take a urine test. The man said he refused to leave and has been yelling, cussing and causing a general disturbance to the house. As a result, this violates his written agreement and he is no longer allowed to remain onsite. According to the man, and the written agreement the officer read, the veteran has one hour to vacate the premises. Due to the veteran not having established residency there, and violated the written terms of the group home, the officer spoke with him about vacating the premises and he agreed to pack his things and leave. Officers remained on scene to prevent a further disorder and observed him leave the residence.

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A woman told police she saw a house for rent on the Zillow app. She placed a $1,200 down payment for the property. She then found out that the house is privately owned and occupied. The person who took her down payment has since broken off contact. She has copies of the ad, text messages and receipts for this transaction.

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