Sharpe, Smedley Call For Release Of Emails Between Wamps And Lookouts Owner Over New Stadium

  • Wednesday, July 27, 2022

County Commissioner David Sharpe on Wednesday called for the release of emails that are purportedly between Republican county mayor nominee Weston Wamp and his father, former Congressman Zach Wamp, and owners of the Chattanooga Lookouts over the issue of a new stadium.

Commissioner Sharpe said, "I understand there are emails going back to 2014 from the chief naysayer on this project. I want to know why he supported it before and why his support has waned."

Weston Wamp has been critical of the idea for a community stadium to be built for the Lookouts at the U.S. Pipe/Wheland Foundry site.

He has denied that his opposition to the stadium stems from the Lookouts deciding not to use himself and his father on the project.

"These emails were between private citizens when I was working on behalf of my employer on a business investment eight years ago," said Mr. Wamp. "What would be much more interesting would be to see all the emails of elected officials who are hellbent on rushing through one of the largest public projects in our county’s history against the will of taxpayers and just before an election."

Commission Chairman Sabrena Smedley said, "I'd like to see those emails as well." 

Commissioner Sharpe said, "I'd like to understand why there was support before and why that support has waned."

He said, "Why is there such resistance (to the stadium) from a handful of folks. There is a pocket of resistance and, honestly, I think it is stirring up this false information."

Commissioner Sharpe said the commission members are facing a decision on the stadium and "we should see everything. We should know all the facts." He said, "No one on this dais has seen a sentence of them."

He said he has heard "rumors that there are 30, 40, 50, 60 pages of correspondence since 2014."

Commissioner Sharpe said, "I need those emails immediately. We need all the facts and all of the information. Whoever has the emails, I need them in my inbox."

The Weston Wamp campaign has declined to release the emails.

Weston Wamp said recently, "It now appears the Lookouts are conspiring with my Democratic opponent 13 days before an election."

Matt Adams, the Democratic candidate for county mayor, called for the release of the emails.


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