Vote NO On Amendment One - And Response

  • Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Unions have long been the backbone of the economy and the working class in the United States of America. On Labor Day, as Americans celebrate with family and friends, let us not forget the efforts of those union members who gave us a reason to celebrate, and why it is so important to vote NO on Amendment One.

Hamilton County, TN: America’s unions have been the driving force behind building a robust middle class and have fought to improve the lives of all Americans. Labor unions helped workers achieve higher wages, safer working conditions, health benefits, workers compensation, retirement wages and were also instrumental in ending the practice of child labor.

Without labor unions, we would not have things like 40-hour work weeks, fair wage negotiations, employer-based healthcare coverage and The Family and Medical Leave Act. Unions also provide the largest career training programs outside of the military. Their apprenticeship schools provide entry into all manner of careers, like firefighters, electrical workers, carpentry and even postal workers.

Thanks to collective bargaining, union members have higher wages and better benefits. When union membership rates are high, so is the share of income that goes to the middle class. But in states like Tennessee, a right to work state, unions are fighting even harder to bring fairness to the workplace.  The real purpose of right to work laws is to rig the system at the expense of working families. These laws make it harder for working people to form unions and collectively bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions. But in November, voters have the opportunity to vote NO on Amendment One, and support workers who want to negotiate fair returns on their work. Workers deserve the freedom to have a voice at work without fear of retaliation. We must protect workers' freedoms to join a union! 

HCDP Chair Rachel Campbell said, “Hamilton County is home to so many wonderful Unions. Without their work to build our economy and our community, we would not have the thriving middle class that we have. It’s long past time to bring our voices and our actions together in support of their efforts, and to Vote NO on Amendment One. And if you see a Union member today, thank them for their efforts to create a better America for all of us."

Rachel Campbell, chair, Hamilton County Democratic Party

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Teachers unions have absolutely nothing to do with the education of students, and everything to do with holding onto political power. Unions are a vestigial appendage of a time long past, no matter what genre: automotive, education, fast food, etc.

Voting YES on Amendment One will make the Right-To-Work a civil right in Tennessee as it has in many other states. Unions are not the “backbone of the USA and unions did not build this country, citizens did.

Employment should be based on meritocracy, not tenure. Look at how many ancient teachers there are in Chattanooga, failing the students because of tenure, instead of ability. Unions promote tenure without any basis in meritocracy. Schools should be run like a business from the HR and administration perspective. If an employee cannot cut it, find something else more appropriate or cut them loose. The threat of termination because of failed performance yields excellent results in motivating employees to do a better job. Teachers are no different. But unions prevent this from happening.

Vote YES on Amendment One. Make performance and merit the guiding principles which guide not only the education of our kids but the attitude of employment in America . We deserve nothing less.

Dave Fihn

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