In the summer of 1959, the Roark-Conner family held its first family reunion in Birchwood, Hamilton County. On Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, the Roark-Conner Association (R-CA) will celebrate its 65th Annual Reunion. The Reunion is an important gathering of Roark and Conner descendants and relatives of local pioneer families who settled, in the mid to late 1830’s, in the eastern portion of Hamilton County.
The Reunion begins Friday, Sept. 29 from 4:30-9 p.m. at the Candies Creek Church, 294 Old Eureka Road, N.W.
in Charleston, Tn. Activities include: Meet and Greet, music, a worship service to honor ancestors, BBQ, a sundae bar and entertainment. Saturday, Sept. 30 from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Candies Creek Church, begins with hot coffee and pastries, the John J. Roark Distinguished Service Award presentation and a Memorial Service to honor those who passed. Featured presentations will include Birchwood History, the Conner family, Joseph Roark and the Joseph Roark Homestead. Lunch will then be served and door prizes will be distributed. Exhibits, photos and heirlooms will be on display throughout the day, and family-related books and DVDs will be sold. A special afternoon tour of an important family historical site will follow, along with a ceremony at the Conner Cemetery by the TN Sons of the American Revolution.
Sunday, Oct. 1 is open for family members to visit a local church or gravesites or to take the Roark-Conner Heritage Trail Tour.
Visit for more information and to register. For further information, email or call 410-827-0152. Any questions or journalistic interest are welcome.