Each year, the North Georgia Community YMCA serves healthy meals to youth enrolled in YMCA Afterschool Programs. The meals are free to all enrolled children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Meals are provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Below are the current sites for the fall term:
• Link@The Y: 1735 Battlefield Pkwy., Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. 30742
• North GA YMCA After School at Westside Elementary: 72 Braves Lane, Rossville, Ga.
• YMCA at Tiger Creek: 134 Rhea McClanahan Dr., Tunnel Hill, Ga. 30755
• YMCA at Battlefield Elementary: 2206 Battlefield Pkwy., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. 30742
Last year, the YMCA prepared and served approximately 302,000 healthy meals across 80 total sites in Chattanooga, Cleveland and North Georgia. Volunteers are always needed to help prepare, deliver and serve meals, as well as lead games and activities. For complete information on the Y’s Youth Food Programs, including how to get involved, visit https://www.ymcachattanooga.org/programs/community/youth-food-programs.
More information on the programs can also be found on social media:
• Facebook: @henryymca and @ymcanorthga; or
• Instagram: @chattfoodfun and @ymca_northga.