At the last commission meeting of 2024, Red Bank City Manager Martin Grannum summarized the status of the many projects that are in process.
Some of those are:
- The comprehensive plan for future development of Red Bank will have its third public meeting on Saturday and the final meeting is planed for Jan. 28, 2025 at the community center. After the plan is decided on, it will go to the planning commission and then the city commission for approvals.
- A restriping program along Dayton Boulevard where it turns into Cherokee Boulevard will be done in partnership with Chattanooga and TDOT.
Road striping on the Red Bank end will merge traffic lanes near the tunnel. The customized road markings on the Red Bank side will get a price break from doing the work along with Chattanooga. It is expected to cost the city less than $10,000.
- Engineering is being done north of this area to channel southbound traffic into the new design around Signal Mountain Boulevard.
- There are discussions ongoing about revitalizing the city’s dog park. It will include sidewalks that separate dog park patrons.
- Replacement of the Lullwater Bridge is a new project but has not yet begun.
- ADA upgrades will be made on the south end of town.
- Creation of a Bike Boulevard in the city is still in the consultant stage.
- City staff is preparing a map with boundary descriptions and plans to add signage that will make “The Field” cemetery a protected area.
- Leaf collection will continue through December.
- In early December the city got the first request to pick up waste oil. This is a new program being offered by Red Bank to keep oil out of storm drains and back yards and other places that it does not belong.
- After Christmas, live Christmas trees can be undecorated and taken to the recycle center where they will be ground into mulch.
- Construction of new restrooms at the community center continues and should be finished at the end of December.
Mr. Granum announced changes to the city’s schedule during the upcoming holidays. The first commission meeting in January has been cancelled. The next time that the commission will meet is on the third Tuesday of the month, Jan. 21, 2025. And city hall will be closed on Dec. 24 and 25 for Christmas, on Jan. 31 for New Years, and on Monday, Jan. 20, for Martin Luther King Day.
The city will use ARPA funds, (American Rescue Plan Act) for a contract addendum with Barge Design Solutions for professional services dealing with the current public works building. The cost is not to exceed $97,200. The work will include property title work to clean up property lines in order to get a clear title to the land. It also includes doing a site development plan and an environmental assessment of the existing public works structure.
The Red Bank city code was amended regarding the order of business during city commission meetings. It specifies when events take place during a meeting with the goal of increasing efficiency of time. The consent agenda portion of the meeting is another change, which expedites routine parts of a meeting so they can be all voted on with a single vote.
A resolution passed for the city to accept the 2024 Firefighting Support Grant in the amount of $1,000 from Tennessee American Water Company.
The Red Bank Cemetery Citizens Advisory Board consists of up to 10 members. On Tuesday night, Freddie Hanner was appointed to be a new member which will complete the board.