At Save The Bend rally at Ruby Falls
Moccasin Bend forum
County Mayor Weston Wamp
City Parks Administrator Scott Martin
Jay Mills
A new cry to "Save The Bend" went up from an overflow crowd at Ruby Falls on Thursday night at a forum called by the National Park Partners.
Tricia Mims, NPP president, said the group favors rebuilding the Moccasin Bend Psychiatric Hospital, but not at the historic Bend.
Other speakers had the same message ranging from County Mayor Weston Wamp, City Parks Director Scott Martin and archaeologist Jay Mills.
Former Congressman Zach Wamp, who was instrumental in establishing of the National Archaeological District at Moccasin Bend, also urged the state to select another site.
Also taking part were Chickamauga Park Supt. Brad Bennett and Historian Jim Ogden. They focused on the Bend's Civil War history and remaining fortifications.
Others involved even other in Moccasin Bend preservation at the session included former City Councilwoman Sally Robinson, Rick Montague and archaeologist Jay Mills.
Those notably absent were members of the state legislative delegation, who earlier put a stamp of approval on rebuilding the mental hospital at Moccasin Bend, though on a smaller footprint.
It was announced that the Eastern Band of the Cherokees had last week unanimously approved a resolution urging that no new construction take place at Moccasin Bend.
Garnet Chapin, another preservationist, said funding for the new hospital came from COVID funds, which means the project is not subject to a number of customary reviews.
Mr. Chapin said there is a record of over 10,000 years of habitation at the Bend and documentation that Hernando DeSoto stopped there on his exploration that led to the discovery of the Mississippi River.
Mr. Chapin said, "A more committed and enthusiastically supportive group has rarely come together in recent times."
The event was emceed by radio host Jed Mescon.